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Salmonids and scales: investigating the impact of land management on salmonid populations within a hierarchical framework through the use of remote sensing and GIS.

Dugdale, L.; Lane, S.N.; Brown, J.; Burt, T.P.; Maltby, A.


L. Dugdale

S.N. Lane

J. Brown

A. Maltby


T.P Burt

S.N. Lane


Dugdale, L., Lane, S., Brown, J., Burt, T., & Maltby, A. (2006, September). Salmonids and scales: investigating the impact of land management on salmonid populations within a hierarchical framework through the use of remote sensing and GIS. Presented at Ninth National Symposium, British Hydrological Society., Durham

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name Ninth National Symposium, British Hydrological Society.
Online Publication Date Sep 10, 1999
Publication Date 2006-09
Pages 27-35
Series Title Land Management and the Proection of the Water Environment: Understanding the Impact of New Legislation.
Public URL
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