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Phase diagram of a long bar under a higher-order active contour energy: application to hydrographic network extraction from VHR satellite images

El Ghoul, A.; Jermyn, I.H.; Zerubia, J.

Phase diagram of a long bar under a higher-order active contour energy: application to hydrographic network extraction from VHR satellite images Thumbnail


A. El Ghoul

J. Zerubia


The segmentation of networks is important in several imaging domains, and models incorporating prior shape knowledge are often essential for the automatic performance of this task. Higher-order active contours provide a way to include such knowledge, but their behaviour can vary significantly with parameter values: e.g. the same energy can model networks or a dasiagas of circlespsila. In this paper, we present a stability analysis of a HOAC energy leading to the phase diagram of a long bar. The results, which are confirmed by numerical experiments, enable the selection of parameter values for the modelling of network shapes using the energy. We apply the resulting model to the problem of hydrographic network extraction from VHR satellite images.


El Ghoul, A., Jermyn, I., & Zerubia, J. (2008, December). Phase diagram of a long bar under a higher-order active contour energy: application to hydrographic network extraction from VHR satellite images. Presented at 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Tampa, Florida

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
Publication Date Dec 1, 2008
Deposit Date Aug 12, 2011
Publicly Available Date Apr 19, 2016
Pages 1-4
Series ISSN 1051-4651
Book Title 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2008, (ICPR 2008)
Public URL


Accepted Conference Proceeding (540 Kb)

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