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FMCW Radar Imaging of Avalanche-Like Snow Movements

Ash, M.; Brennan, P.V.; Chetty, K.; McElwaine, J.N.; Keylock, C.


M. Ash

P.V. Brennan

K. Chetty

C. Keylock


High quality field measurements of avalanche flows are required for calibrating computational models which are an essential tool in managing the threat posed by these flows. In this paper we present a new C-band FMCW radar system developed at University College London for gathering highresolution avalanche flow data. The radar employs a full deramp hardware architecture, a diverse set of frequency ramps, and an 8-channel receiver array. We also show initial results of a small-scale field trial carried out using a single channel prototype radar deployed in a snow chute. The results are presented as range-time plots. A simple calculation of the expected flow velocity due to gravity agrees with the estimated experimental value. The results demonstrate the capability of the radar system to record high range resolution microwave images of snow movements. The experiments reported here were carried out as a precursor to full trials of the radar system during which images of full scale avalanche flows will be captured.


Ash, M., Brennan, P., Chetty, K., McElwaine, J., & Keylock, C. (2010, December). FMCW Radar Imaging of Avalanche-Like Snow Movements. Presented at 2010 IEEE International Radar Conference, Arlington, Virginia

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 2010 IEEE International Radar Conference
Online Publication Date Jun 24, 2010
Publication Date 2010
Deposit Date May 23, 2013
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Pages 102-107
Book Title Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Radar Conference: 10-14 May 2010, Arlington, Virginia, USA
Public URL