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Wireless Power Transfer: Survey and Roadmap

Mou, Xiaolin; Sun, Hongjian

Wireless Power Transfer: Survey and Roadmap Thumbnail


Xiaolin Mou


Wireless power transfer (WPT) technologies have been widely used in many areas, e.g., the charging of electric toothbrush, mobile phones, and electric vehicles. This paper introduces fundamental principles of three WPT technologies, i.e., inductive coupling-based WPT, magnetic resonant coupling-based WPT, and electromagnetic radiation-based WPT, together with discussions of their strengths and weaknesses. Main research themes are then presented, i.e., improving the transmission efficiency and distance, and designing multiple transmitters/receivers. The state-of-the-art techniques are reviewed and categorised. Several WPT applications are described. Open research challenges are then presented with a brief discussion of potential roadmap.


Mou, X., & Sun, H. (2015). Wireless Power Transfer: Survey and Roadmap. In 2015 IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring) : proceedings ; Glasgow, Scotland, 11-14 May 2015 (1-5).

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (Published)
Conference Name 2015 IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2015-Spring
Acceptance Date Mar 30, 2015
Publication Date May 14, 2015
Deposit Date Feb 20, 2015
Publicly Available Date Mar 11, 2016
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Pages 1-5
Book Title 2015 IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring) : proceedings ; Glasgow, Scotland, 11-14 May 2015.
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Additional Information Conference date: 11–14 May 2015


Accepted Conference Proceeding (159 Kb)

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