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3D Object Classification in Baggage Computed Tomography Imagery using Randomised Clustering Forests

Mouton, A.; Breckon, T.P.; Flitton, G.T.; Megherbi, N.

3D Object Classification in Baggage Computed Tomography Imagery using Randomised Clustering Forests Thumbnail


A. Mouton

G.T. Flitton

N. Megherbi


We investigate the feasibility of a codebook approach for the automated classification of threats in pre-segmented 3D baggage Computed Tomography (CT) security imagery. We compare the performance of five codebook models, using various combinations of sampling strategies, feature encoding techniques and classifiers, to the current state-of-the-art 3D visual cortex approach [1]. We demonstrate an improvement over the state-of-the-art both in terms of accuracy as well as processing time using a codebook constructed via randomised clustering forests [2], a dense feature sampling strategy and an SVM classifier. Correct classification rates in excess of 98% and false positive rates of less than 1%, in conjunction with a reduction of several orders of magnitude in processing time, make the proposed approach an attractive option for the automated classification of threats in security screening settings.


Mouton, A., Breckon, T., Flitton, G., & Megherbi, N. (2014, October). 3D Object Classification in Baggage Computed Tomography Imagery using Randomised Clustering Forests. Presented at Proc. International Conference on Image Processing

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name Proc. International Conference on Image Processing
Publication Date 2014
Deposit Date Dec 9, 2014
Publicly Available Date Feb 3, 2015
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Pages 5202-5206
Book Title Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing
Keywords Computed tomography, Computer vision, Conferences, Support vector machines, Three-dimensional displays, Vegetation, Visualization, Bag-of-Words, Classification, Random forests, baggage CT.
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