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Computationally efficient skew effect calculation in electric machines utilising harmonic Maxwellian stress decomposition

Spargo, C.M.; Mecrow, B.C.; Widmer, J.D.

Computationally efficient skew effect calculation in electric machines utilising harmonic Maxwellian stress decomposition Thumbnail


B.C. Mecrow

J.D. Widmer


A novel finite element solution post-processing technique to determine the effects of rotor skewing is presented in this paper. It was previously proposed that a post-processing semi-numerical method to calculate the harmonic torque components in synchronous machines is useful to machine designers. Harmonic Maxwellian stress components create parasitic effects during machine operation such as torque ripple, which is extremely undesirable in many applications and is a major cause of acoustic noise and vibration which can limit the machine's application. Rotor skewing usually allows reduction of this torque ripple and this paper expands previous work to include a good approximation of skewing effects using a single 2D time stepping Finite Element (FE) study with the developed post-processing method. The method reduces computation time for skew effect calculation where a large 3D FE simulation would usually be required.


Spargo, C., Mecrow, B., & Widmer, J. (2014, September). Computationally efficient skew effect calculation in electric machines utilising harmonic Maxwellian stress decomposition. Presented at 2014 International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Berlin, Germany

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 2014 International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM)
Start Date Sep 2, 2014
End Date Sep 5, 2014
Publication Date Sep 5, 2014
Deposit Date Jan 21, 2016
Publicly Available Date Apr 26, 2016
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Pages 1044-1049
Book Title Proceedings, 2014 International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM) : Andel's Hotel Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 02 - 05 September, 2014.
Public URL
Additional Information Conference date: 2-5 September 2014


Accepted Conference Proceeding (542 Kb)

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