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Constraining the Cold Gas and Dust in Cluster Cooling Flows

O'Dea, C.P.; Edge, A.; Hamer, S.; Fabian, A.; Johnstone, R.; Crawford, C.; Oonk, R.; Jaffe, W.; Hatch, N.; Baum, S.; Mittal, R.; Quillen, A.; Wilman, R.; Wise, M.; McNamara, B.; Bremer, M.; Combes, F.; Salome, P.; Boehringer, H.; Popesso, P.; Sarazin, C.L.; Allen, S.; Egami, E.; Donahue, M.; Voit, M.; Bregman, J.; Ferland, G.


C.P. O'Dea

A. Edge

S. Hamer

A. Fabian

R. Johnstone

C. Crawford

R. Oonk

W. Jaffe

N. Hatch

S. Baum

R. Mittal

A. Quillen

M. Wise

B. McNamara

M. Bremer

F. Combes

P. Salome

H. Boehringer

P. Popesso

C.L. Sarazin

S. Allen

E. Egami

M. Donahue

M. Voit

J. Bregman

G. Ferland


O'Dea, C., Edge, A., Hamer, S., Fabian, A., Johnstone, R., Crawford, C., Oonk, R., Jaffe, W., Hatch, N., Baum, S., Mittal, R., Quillen, A., Wilman, R., Wise, M., McNamara, B., Bremer, M., Combes, F., Salome, P., Boehringer, H., Popesso, P., …Ferland, G. (2010, January). Constraining the Cold Gas and Dust in Cluster Cooling Flows. Presented at American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#215

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#215
Publication Date 2010-01
Deposit Date Apr 9, 2018
Volume 42
Series Title Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society
Public URL
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