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The effect of tangible interfaces on children's collaborative behaviour

Stanton, D.; Bayon, V.; Abnett, C.; Cobb, S.; O'Malley, C.


D. Stanton

V. Bayon

C. Abnett

S. Cobb


The physical nature of the classroom means that children are continually divided into small groups. The present study examined collaboration on a story creation task using technologies believed to encourage and support collaborative behaviour. Four children used tangible technologies over three sessions. The technology consisted of a large visual display in which they could input content (using Personal Digital Assistants (Pda) and a scanner), record sounds (using RF-ID tags) and navigate around the environment using an arrangement of sensors called 'the magic carpet'. The children could then retell their story using bar-coded images and sounds. The three sessions were video recorded and analysed. Results indicate the importance of immediate feedback and visibility of action for effective collaboration to take place.


Stanton, D., Bayon, V., Abnett, C., Cobb, S., & O'Malley, C. (2002, December). The effect of tangible interfaces on children's collaborative behaviour. Presented at Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems; Minneapolis, MN; United States

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems; Minneapolis, MN; United States
Publication Date 2002
Deposit Date Aug 15, 2018
Publisher Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Pages 820-821
Book Title CHI'02 Human Factors in Computing Systems
Public URL
Publisher URL