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Spectrograph capabilities of the European Solar Telescope

Calcines, A.; Collados, M.; Feller, A.; Grauf, B.; Grivel-Gelly, C.; Hirzberger, J.; López Ariste, A.; López López, R.; Mein, P.; Sayède, F.


M. Collados

A. Feller

B. Grauf

C. Grivel-Gelly

J. Hirzberger

A. López Ariste

R. López López

P. Mein

F. Sayède


Calcines, A., Collados, M., Feller, A., Grauf, B., Grivel-Gelly, C., Hirzberger, J., López Ariste, A., López López, R., Mein, P., & Sayède, F. (2010, December). Spectrograph capabilities of the European Solar Telescope. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (Published)
Conference Name Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III
Deposit Date Sep 25, 2018
Volume 7735
Series ISSN 0277-786X
Public URL