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Lightweighting design optimisation for additively manufactured mirrors

Atkins, Carolyn; Brzozowski, William; Dobson, Naomi; Milanova, Maria; Todd, Stephen; Pearson, David; Bourgenot, Cyril J.; Brooks, David; Snell, Robert M.; Sun, Wenjuan; Cooper, Peter; Alcock, Simon G.; Nistea, Ioana-Theodora


Carolyn Atkins

William Brzozowski

Naomi Dobson

Maria Milanova

Stephen Todd

David Pearson

David Brooks

Robert M. Snell

Wenjuan Sun

Peter Cooper

Simon G. Alcock

Ioana-Theodora Nistea


Atkins, C., Brzozowski, W., Dobson, N., Milanova, M., Todd, S., Pearson, D., Bourgenot, C. J., Brooks, D., Snell, R. M., Sun, W., Cooper, P., Alcock, S. G., & Nistea, I.-T. (2019, December). Lightweighting design optimisation for additively manufactured mirrors. Presented at Astronomical Optics: Design, Manufacture, and Test of Space and Ground Systems II

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (Published)
Conference Name Astronomical Optics: Design, Manufacture, and Test of Space and Ground Systems II
Deposit Date May 20, 2022
ISBN 9781510629257
Public URL