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Tools for Constructing Chronologies: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries


CE Buck


Buck, C., & Millard, A. (Eds.). (2003). Tools for Constructing Chronologies: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries. Springer Verlag

Book Type Edited Book
Publication Date 2003-12
Publisher Springer Verlag
Series Title Lecture Notes in Statistics
Keywords Applied Statistics, Archaeology, Geology
Public URL
Additional Information Robust and reliable chronologies are essential to many research projects in the historical sciences (e.g., archaeology, paleoecology, geology) and other disciplines with historical aspects (e.g., evolutionary genetics). The nature of the methods used has varied quite considerably, and there has often been little cross-fertilisation between disciplines. Tools for Constructing Chronologies focuses on ways of getting more out of existing chronological data by careful analysis. It surveys a range of cutting edge methods in chronology construction and seeks to enable cross-disciplinary fertilisation of ideas. The specially invited papers cover a range of timescales, from the perspectives of a number of disciplines. The methods used range from complex statistical treatments, to (non-statistical) considerations of how to systematically represent relative dating information. Each chapter can be read alone, but they are also carefully cross-referenced. The editors' introductory essay provides a crossdisciplinary overview of the state of chronology construction methods, and highlights the links between them. This book will appeal to a wide range of researchers, scientists and graduate students using chronologies in their work; from Applied Statisticians to Archaeologists, Geologists and Paleontologists, to those working in Bioinformatics and Chronometry.