F. Alikhan
NGOs and the State in the Twenty-First Century: Ghana and India.
Alikhan, F.; Kyei, P.; Mawdsley, E.; Porter, G.; Saraswati Raju, S.; Townsend, J.; Varma, R.
P. Kyei
E. Mawdsley
Professor Gina Porter r.e.porter@durham.ac.uk
S. Saraswati Raju
J. Townsend
R. Varma
The architecture of aid has changed. More aid from rich countries is being directed to southern governments. As a result, some southern NGOs have become worryingly dependent on contracts with their governments to continue their work. Interviews with NGO staff, politicians and civil servants chart the impact of recent funding shifts in Ghana and India.
Alikhan, F., Kyei, P., Mawdsley, E., Porter, G., Saraswati Raju, S., Townsend, J., & Varma, R. (2007). NGOs and the State in the Twenty-First Century: Ghana and India. INTRAC
Book Type | Authored Book |
Publication Date | 2007 |
Keywords | NGO-state, aid architecture, personal networks, India, Ghana |
Public URL | https://durham-repository.worktribe.com/output/1126332 |
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