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Outputs (39)

Protocol for systematic reviews of determinants/correlates of obesity related dietary and physical activity behaviours in young children (preschool 0-6yrs): evidence mapping and syntheses (2013)
Journal Article
Lakshman, R., Paes, V., Hesketh, H., O’Malley, C., Moore, H., Ong, K., …Summerbell, C. (2013). Protocol for systematic reviews of determinants/correlates of obesity related dietary and physical activity behaviours in young children (preschool 0-6yrs): evidence mapping and syntheses. Systematic Reviews, 2(1), Article 28.

Background: The aim of these reviews is to inform the design and content of interventions to reduce obesity in young children. The behaviors that are associated with obesity/overweight have been studied extensively; however, the factors associated wi... Read More about Protocol for systematic reviews of determinants/correlates of obesity related dietary and physical activity behaviours in young children (preschool 0-6yrs): evidence mapping and syntheses.

Practical evidence-based recommendations relating to educational strategies, psychological approaches, and behavioural models, to consider when developing interventions for the prevention of obesity in young (aged 4-6) children. (2012)
Journal Article
Summerbell, C. D., Moore, H. J., Gibson, E. L., Vögele, C., Wildgruber, A., Krombholz, H., Kreichauf, S., Douthwaite, W., Nixon, C. A., & Project, O. B. O. T. T. (2012). Practical evidence-based recommendations relating to educational strategies, psychological approaches, and behavioural models, to consider when developing interventions for the prevention of obesity in young (aged 4-6) children. Obesity Reviews, 13(s1), 129-132

Identifying behavioural models underpinning school-based obesity prevention interventions: a systematic review (2012)
Journal Article
Nixon, C. A., Moore, H. J., Douthwaite, W., Gibson, E. L., Vogele, C., Kreichauf, S., Wildgruber, A., Manios, Y., Summerbell, C. D., & group, O. B. O. T. T.-S. (2012). Identifying behavioural models underpinning school-based obesity prevention interventions: a systematic review. Obesity Reviews, 13(S1), 106-117.

The aim of this comprehensive systematic review was to identify the most effective behavioural models and behaviour change strategies, underpinning preschool- and school-based interventions aimed at preventing obesity in 4–6-year-olds. Searching was... Read More about Identifying behavioural models underpinning school-based obesity prevention interventions: a systematic review.

Tackling inequalities in obesity: a protocol for a systematic review of the effectiveness of public health interventions at reducing socioeconomic inequalities in obesity amongst children (2012)
Journal Article
Bambra, C., Hillier, F., Moore, H., & Summerbell, C. (2012). Tackling inequalities in obesity: a protocol for a systematic review of the effectiveness of public health interventions at reducing socioeconomic inequalities in obesity amongst children. Systematic Reviews, 1, Article 16.

There is growing evidence of the impact of overweight and obesity on short- and long-term functioning, health and well-being. Internationally, childhood obesity rates continue to rise in some countries (for example, Mexico, India, China a... Read More about Tackling inequalities in obesity: a protocol for a systematic review of the effectiveness of public health interventions at reducing socioeconomic inequalities in obesity amongst children.