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Outputs (8)

Lens cells: More than meets the eye (2007)
Journal Article
Tholozan, F., & Quinlan, R. (2007). Lens cells: More than meets the eye. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 39(10), 1754-1759

Lens cells originate from the head ectoderm and differentiate into an avascular organ constituted from two contiguous cell subpopulations of very different morphology. Lens cells, together with corneal cells, are responsible for the transmission and... Read More about Lens cells: More than meets the eye.

Insights into the beaded filament of the eye lens (2007)
Journal Article
Perng, M., Zhang, Q., & Quinlan, R. (2007). Insights into the beaded filament of the eye lens. Experimental Cell Research, 313(10), 2180-8

Filensin (BFSP1) and CP49 (BFSP2) represent two members of the IF protein superfamily that are thus far exclusively expressed in the eye lens. Mutations in both proteins cause lens cataract and careful consideration of the detail of these cataract ph... Read More about Insights into the beaded filament of the eye lens.

GFAP and its role in Alexander disease (2007)
Journal Article
Quinlan, R., Brenner, M., Goldman, J., & Messing, A. (2007). GFAP and its role in Alexander disease. Experimental Cell Research, 313(10), 2077-87

Here we review how GFAP mutations cause Alexander disease. The current data suggest that a combination of events cause the disease. These include: (i) the accumulation of GFAP and the formation of characteristic aggregates, called Rosenthal fibers, (... Read More about GFAP and its role in Alexander disease.

Terahertz spectroscopy of stem cells (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zinov'ev, N., Jahoda, C., Quinlan, R., & Chamberlain, J. (2007, December). Terahertz spectroscopy of stem cells. Presented at 2007 JOINT 32ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES AND 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TERAHERTZ ELECTRONICS, VOLS 1 AND 2

Regulation of contractility by Hsp27 and Hic-5 in rat mesenteric small arteries. (2007)
Journal Article
Srinivasan, R., Forman, S., Quinlan, R., Ohanian, J., & Ohanian, V. (2008). Regulation of contractility by Hsp27 and Hic-5 in rat mesenteric small arteries. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 294(2), H961-H969.

The regulation of small artery contractility by vasoconstrictors is important for vascular function, and actin cytoskeleton remodeling is required for contraction. p38 MAPK and tyrosine kinases are implicated in actin polymerization and contraction t... Read More about Regulation of contractility by Hsp27 and Hic-5 in rat mesenteric small arteries..

Reorganization of centrosomal marker proteins coincides with epithelial cell differentiation in the vertebrate lens (2007)
Journal Article
Dahm, R., Procter, J., Ireland, M., Lo, W., Mogensen, M., Quinlan, R., & Prescott, A. (2007). Reorganization of centrosomal marker proteins coincides with epithelial cell differentiation in the vertebrate lens. Experimental Cell Research, 85(5), 696-713.

The differentiation of epithelial cells in the vertebrate lens involves a series of changes that includes the degradation of all intracellular organelles and a dramatic elongation of the cells. The latter is accompanied by a substantial remodelling o... Read More about Reorganization of centrosomal marker proteins coincides with epithelial cell differentiation in the vertebrate lens.

FGF-2 Release from the Lens Capsule by MMP-2 Maintains Lens Epithelial Cell Viability (2007)
Journal Article
Tholozan, F., Gribbon, C., Li, Z., Goldberg, M., Prescott, A., McKie, N., & Quinlan, R. (2007). FGF-2 Release from the Lens Capsule by MMP-2 Maintains Lens Epithelial Cell Viability. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 18(11), 4222-4231.

The lens is an avascular tissue, separated from the aqueous and vitreous humors by its own extracellular matrix, the lens capsule. Here we demonstrate that the lens capsule is a source of essential survival factors for lens epithelial cells. Primary... Read More about FGF-2 Release from the Lens Capsule by MMP-2 Maintains Lens Epithelial Cell Viability.