A novel function for the MAP kinase SMA-5 in intestinal tube stability
Journal Article
Geisler, F., Gerhardus, H., Carberry, K., Davis, W., Jorgensen, E., Richardson, C., …Leube, R. E. (2016). A novel function for the MAP kinase SMA-5 in intestinal tube stability. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 27(24), 3855-3868. https://doi.org/10.1091/mbc.e16-02-0099
Intermediate filaments are major cytoskeletal components whose assembly into complex networks and isotype-specific functions are still largely unknown. Caenorhabditis elegans provides an excellent model system to study intermediate filament organizat... Read More about A novel function for the MAP kinase SMA-5 in intestinal tube stability.