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Outputs (107)

An atavistic Lie algebra (2006)
Journal Article
Fairlie, D. B., & Zachos, C. K. (2006). An atavistic Lie algebra. Physics Letters B, 637(1-2), 123-127.

An infinite-dimensional Lie Algebra is proposed which includes, in its subalgebra and limits, most Lie Algebras routinely utilised in physics. It relies on the finite oscillator Lie group and appears applicable to twisted noncommutative QFT and CFT.

Geodesics in non-positively curved plane tessellations (2006)
Journal Article
Baues, O., & Peyerimhoff, N. (2006). Geodesics in non-positively curved plane tessellations. Advances in Geometry, 6(2), 243-263.

We introduce a natural combinatorial curvature function on the corners of plane tessellations and relate it to the global metric geometry of their corresponding edge and dual graphs. If the combinatorial curvature in the corners is non-positive then... Read More about Geodesics in non-positively curved plane tessellations.

Charge and energy transfer by solitons in low-dimensional nanosystems with helical structure (2006)
Journal Article
Brizhik, L., Eremko, A., Piette, B., & Zakrzewski, W. (2006). Charge and energy transfer by solitons in low-dimensional nanosystems with helical structure. Chemical Physics, 324(1), 259-266.

We study the nonlinear mechanism of the energy and charge transfer in low-dimensional nanosystems with helical structure. We show that the helical symmetry is important for the formation, stability and dynamical properties of the soliton-like self-tr... Read More about Charge and energy transfer by solitons in low-dimensional nanosystems with helical structure.

Spherical means on compact locally symmetric spaces of non-positive curvature (2006)
Journal Article
Peyerimhoff, N. (2006). Spherical means on compact locally symmetric spaces of non-positive curvature. Forum Mathematicum, 18(3), 391-417.

We consider spherical means of continuous functions on the unit tangent bundle of a compact, non-positively curved locally symmetric space and study their behavior as the radius tends to infinity. In dimension greater or equal to 2, we prove that sph... Read More about Spherical means on compact locally symmetric spaces of non-positive curvature.

Traces of CM values of modular functions (2006)
Journal Article
Bruinier, J., & Funke, J. (2006). Traces of CM values of modular functions. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 594, 1-33.

Zagier proved that the traces of singular moduli, i.e., the sums of the values of the classical j-invariant over quadratic irrationalities, are the Fourier coefficients of a modular form of weight 3/2 with poles at the cusps. Using the theta correspo... Read More about Traces of CM values of modular functions.

Primitive divisors of elliptic divisibility sequences (2006)
Journal Article
Everest, G., McLaren, G., & Ward, T. (2006). Primitive divisors of elliptic divisibility sequences. Journal of Number Theory, 118(1), 71-89.

Silverman proved the analogue of Zsigmondy's Theorem for elliptic divisibility sequences. For elliptic curves in global minimal form, it seems likely this result is true in a uniform manner. We present such a result for certain infinite families of c... Read More about Primitive divisors of elliptic divisibility sequences.

Classification of capped tubular viral particles in the family of Papovaviridae (2006)
Journal Article
Keef, T., Taormina, A., & Twarock, R. (2006). Classification of capped tubular viral particles in the family of Papovaviridae. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 18(14), 375-387.

A vital constituent of a virus is its protein shell, called the viral capsid, that encapsulates and hence provides protection for the viral genome. Viral capsids are usually spherical, and for a significant number of viruses they exhibit overall icos... Read More about Classification of capped tubular viral particles in the family of Papovaviridae.