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Outputs (264)

Gemini-north multiobject spectrograph: integral field unit (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Murray, G. J., Allington-Smith, J. R., Content, R., Davies, R. L., Dodsworth, G. N., Miller, B., Jorgensen, I., Hook, I., Crampton, D., & Murowinski, R. G. (2003, December). Gemini-north multiobject spectrograph: integral field unit

AutoFib2: small fibers (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Goodsell, S. J., Blanken, M. F., Corradi, R., Dee, K. M., & Jolley, P. (2003, December). AutoFib2: small fibers. Presented at Instrument Design and Performance for Optical/Infrared Ground-based Telescopes

Influence of alloy composition and interlayer thickness on twist and tilt mosaic in Al<SUB>x</SUB>Ga<SUB>1-x</SUB>N/AlN/GaN heterostructures (2003)
Journal Article
Lafford, T., Parbrook, P., & Tanner, B. (2003). Influence of alloy composition and interlayer thickness on twist and tilt mosaic in AlxGa1-xN/AlN/GaN heterostructures. Applied Physics Letters, 83(26), 5434-5436.

High-resolution x-ray diffraction, in surface symmetric, skew symmetric, and grazing incidence in-plane diffraction geometries, has been used to investigate the effect of an AlN interlayer between micron thick GaN and AlxGa1–xN layers grown by metalo... Read More about Influence of alloy composition and interlayer thickness on twist and tilt mosaic in Al<SUB>x</SUB>Ga<SUB>1-x</SUB>N/AlN/GaN heterostructures.

A unique small-scale gravitational arc in A1201 (2003)
Journal Article
Edge, A., Smith, G., Sand, D., Treu, T., Ebeling, H., Allen, S., & van Dokkum, P. (2003). A unique small-scale gravitational arc in A1201. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 599(2), L69-L72.

We present a snapshot Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image of the galaxy cluster A1201 (z=0.169), revealing a tangential arc 2 from the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG). Keck Echelle Spectrograph and Imager (ESI) spectroscopy confirms that the arc is gra... Read More about A unique small-scale gravitational arc in A1201.

The search for dark matter and dark energy in the Universe - Papers of a Discussion Meeting Held at the Royal Society on 22 and 23 January 2003 - Preface (2003)
Journal Article
Smith, N., Kalmus, G., Frenk, C., & White, S. (2003). The search for dark matter and dark energy in the Universe - Papers of a Discussion Meeting Held at the Royal Society on 22 and 23 January 2003 - Preface. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 361(1812), 2425-2425