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Observing EAGLE galaxies with JWST: predictions for Milky Way progenitors and their building blocks (2022)
Journal Article
Evans, T. A., Fattahi, A., Deason, A. J., & Frenk, C. S. (2022). Observing EAGLE galaxies with JWST: predictions for Milky Way progenitors and their building blocks. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516(3), 3861-3877.

We present predictions, derived from the EAGLE ΛCDM cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, for the abundance and properties of galaxies expected to be detected at high redshift by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). We consider the galaxy popula... Read More about Observing EAGLE galaxies with JWST: predictions for Milky Way progenitors and their building blocks.

Stellar splashback: the edge of the intracluster light (2020)
Journal Article
Deason, A. J., Oman, K. A., Fattahi, A., Schaller, M., Jauzac, M., Zhang, Y., Montes, M., Bahé, Y. M., Dalla Vecchia, C., Kay, S. T., & Evans, T. A. (2021). Stellar splashback: the edge of the intracluster light. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 500(3), 4181-4192.

We examine the outskirts of galaxy clusters in the C-EAGLE simulations to quantify the ‘edges’ of the stellar and dark matter distribution. The radius of the steepest slope in the dark matter, commonly used as a proxy for the splashback radius, is lo... Read More about Stellar splashback: the edge of the intracluster light.

How Unusual is the Milky Way’s Assembly History? (2020)
Journal Article
Evans, T. A., Fattahi, A., Deason, A. J., & Frenk, C. S. (2020). How Unusual is the Milky Way’s Assembly History?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 497(4), 4311-4321.

In the ΛCDM model of structure formation galactic haloes build up by accretion of mass and mergers of smaller haloes. The most recent massive merger event experienced by the Milky Way (MW) halo was the accretion of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC; wh... Read More about How Unusual is the Milky Way’s Assembly History?.