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Outputs (171)

Early Warning Signals of the Tipping Point in Strongly Interacting Rydberg Atoms. (2024)
Journal Article
Zhang, J., Zhang, L.-H., Liu, B., Zhang, Z.-Y., Shao, S.-Y., Li, Q., Chen, H.-C., Liu, Z.-K., Ma, Y., Han, T.-Y., Wang, Q.-F., Adams, C. S., Shi, B.-S., & Ding, D.-S. (2024). Early Warning Signals of the Tipping Point in Strongly Interacting Rydberg Atoms. Physical Review Letters, 133(24), Article 243601.

The identification of tipping points is essential for the prediction of collapses or other sudden changes in complex systems. Applications include studies of ecology, thermodynamics, climatology, and epidemiology. However, detecting early signs of pr... Read More about Early Warning Signals of the Tipping Point in Strongly Interacting Rydberg Atoms..

Epidemic spreading and herd immunity in a driven non-equilibrium system of strongly-interacting atoms (2024)
Journal Article
Liu, Z.-K., Ding, D.-S., Yu, Y.-C., Busche, H., Shi, B.-S., Guo, G.-C., Adams, C. S., & Nori, F. (2024). Epidemic spreading and herd immunity in a driven non-equilibrium system of strongly-interacting atoms. Quantum Frontiers, 3, Article 23.

It is increasingly important to understand the spatial dynamics of epidemics. While there are numerous mathematical models of epidemics, there is a scarcity of physical systems with sufficiently well-controlled parameters to allow quantitative model... Read More about Epidemic spreading and herd immunity in a driven non-equilibrium system of strongly-interacting atoms.

Simultaneous multiband radio-frequency detection using high-orbital-angular-momentum states in a Rydberg-atom receiver (2024)
Journal Article
Allinson, G., Jamieson, M. J., Mackellar, A. R., Downes, L. A., Adams, C. S., & Weatherill, K. J. (2024). Simultaneous multiband radio-frequency detection using high-orbital-angular-momentum states in a Rydberg-atom receiver. Physical Review Research, 6(2), Article 023317.

We demonstrate simultaneous detection of radio-frequency (rf) fields ranging from the very high-frequency (VHF) band (128 MHz) to terahertz frequencies (0.61 THz) using high-orbital-angular-momentum (ℓ) states in a caesium Rydberg-atom receiver. rf f... Read More about Simultaneous multiband radio-frequency detection using high-orbital-angular-momentum states in a Rydberg-atom receiver.

Ergodicity breaking from Rydberg clusters in a driven-dissipative many-body system. (2024)
Journal Article
Ding, D., Bai, Z., Liu, Z., Shi, B., Guo, G., Li, W., & Adams, C. S. (2024). Ergodicity breaking from Rydberg clusters in a driven-dissipative many-body system. Science Advances, 10(9), Article eadl5893.

It is challenging to probe ergodicity breaking trends of a quantum many-body system when dissipation inevitably damages quantum coherence originated from coherent coupling and dispersive two-body interactions. Rydberg atoms provide a test bed to dete... Read More about Ergodicity breaking from Rydberg clusters in a driven-dissipative many-body system..

Giant microwave–optical Kerr nonlinearity via Rydberg excitons in cuprous oxide (2024)
Journal Article
Pritchett, J. D., Gallagher, L. A. P., Brewin, A., Wong, H. Q. X., Langbein, W., Lynch, S. A., …Jones, M. P. A. (2024). Giant microwave–optical Kerr nonlinearity via Rydberg excitons in cuprous oxide. APL Photonics, 9(3), Article 031303.

Microwave–optical conversion is key to future networks of quantum devices, such as those based on superconducting technology. Conversion at the single quantum level requires strong nonlinearity, high bandwidth, and compatibility with a millikelvin en... Read More about Giant microwave–optical Kerr nonlinearity via Rydberg excitons in cuprous oxide.

Emergence of Synchronization in a Driven-Dissipative Hot Rydberg Vapor (2023)
Journal Article
Wadenpfuhl, K., & Adams, C. S. (2023). Emergence of Synchronization in a Driven-Dissipative Hot Rydberg Vapor. Physical Review Letters, 131(14), Article 143002.

We observe synchronization in a thermal (35-60 °C) atomic (Rb) ensemble driven to a highly excited Rydberg state (principle quantum number n ranging from 43 to 79). Synchronization in this system is unexpected due to the atomic motion; however, we sh... Read More about Emergence of Synchronization in a Driven-Dissipative Hot Rydberg Vapor.

Detection of 3–300 MHz electric fields using Floquet sideband gaps by “Rabi matching” dressed Rydberg atoms (2023)
Journal Article
Rotunno, A. P., Berweger, S., Prajapati, N., Simons, M. T., Artusio-Glimpse, A. B., Holloway, C. L., Jayaseelan, M., Potvliege, R., & Adams, C. (2023). Detection of 3–300 MHz electric fields using Floquet sideband gaps by “Rabi matching” dressed Rydberg atoms. Journal of Applied Physics, 134(13), Article 134501.

Radio frequencies in high-frequency (HF) and very high-frequency (VHF) bands (3–300 MHz) are challenging for Rydberg atom-based detection schemes, as resonant detection requires exciting atoms to extremely high energy states. We demonstrate a method... Read More about Detection of 3–300 MHz electric fields using Floquet sideband gaps by “Rabi matching” dressed Rydberg atoms.

Observation of Rydberg blockade due to the charge-dipole interaction between an atom and a polar molecule (2023)
Journal Article
Guttridge, A., Ruttley, D., Baldock, A., González-Férez, R., Sadeghpour, H., Adams, C., & Cornish, S. (2023). Observation of Rydberg blockade due to the charge-dipole interaction between an atom and a polar molecule. Physical Review Letters, 131(1), Article 013401.

We demonstrate Rydberg blockade due to the charge-dipole interaction between a single Rb atom and a single RbCs molecule confined in optical tweezers. The molecule is formed by magnetoassociation of a Rb+Cs atom pair and subsequently transferred to t... Read More about Observation of Rydberg blockade due to the charge-dipole interaction between an atom and a polar molecule.

Universality of Z3 parafermions via edge-mode interaction and quantum simulation of topological space evolution with Rydberg atoms (2023)
Journal Article
Benhemou, A., Angkhanawin, T., Adams, C. S., Browne, D. E., & Pachos, J. K. (2023). Universality of Z3 parafermions via edge-mode interaction and quantum simulation of topological space evolution with Rydberg atoms. Physical Review Research, 5(2), Article 023076.

Parafermions are Zn generalizations of Majorana quasiparticles, with fractional non-Abelian statistics. They can be used to encode topological qudits and perform Clifford operations by their braiding. Here we investigate the generation of quantum gat... Read More about Universality of Z3 parafermions via edge-mode interaction and quantum simulation of topological space evolution with Rydberg atoms.

Rapid readout of terahertz orbital angular momentum beams using atom-based imaging (2022)
Journal Article
Downes, L. A., Whiting, D. J., Adams, C. S., & Weatherill, K. J. (2022). Rapid readout of terahertz orbital angular momentum beams using atom-based imaging. Optics Letters, 47(22), 6001-6004.

We demonstrate the rapid readout of terahertz orbital angular momentum (OAM) beams using an atomic-vapor-based imaging technique. OAM modes with both azimuthal and radial indices are created using phase-only transmission plates. The beams undergo ter... Read More about Rapid readout of terahertz orbital angular momentum beams using atom-based imaging.