Optical ground support equipment for the alignment of JWST-NIRSpec
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schmoll, J., Basden, A., Bramall, D., Clark, P., Cole, R., Dodsworth, G., Goodsell, S., McCalden, A., Murray, G., Myers, R., Sharples, R., Tandy, J., & Thomas, P. (2008, August). Optical ground support equipment for the alignment of JWST-NIRSpec. Presented at Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter, Marseille, France
The alignment of the JWST NIRSpec spectrograph will use a customised set of optical light sources, imagers and wavefront sensors, which form part of the Optical Ground Support Equipment (OGSE). This has been developed by the Mullard Space Science Lab... Read More about Optical ground support equipment for the alignment of JWST-NIRSpec.