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FMOS: the fiber multiple-object spectrograph: Part VI. Onboard performances and results of the engineering observations

Iwamuro, F.; Maihara, T.; Akiyama, M.; Kimura, M.; Tamura, N.; Takato, N.; Tait, P.; Ohta, K.; Eto, S.; Moritani, Y.; Dalton, G.B.; Lewis, I.J.; Lee, H.; Tosh, I.A.J.; Froud, T.R.; Murray, G.J.; Blackburn, C.; Bonfield, D.G.; Gillingham, P.R.; Smedley, S.; Smith, G.A.; Frost, G.


F. Iwamuro

T. Maihara

M. Akiyama

M. Kimura

N. Tamura

N. Takato

P. Tait

K. Ohta

S. Eto

Y. Moritani

G.B. Dalton

I.J. Lewis

H. Lee

I.A.J. Tosh

T.R. Froud

C. Blackburn

D.G. Bonfield

P.R. Gillingham

S. Smedley

G.A. Smith

G. Frost


Ian S. McLean

Mark M. Casali


Iwamuro, F., Maihara, T., Akiyama, M., Kimura, M., Tamura, N., Takato, N., Tait, P., Ohta, K., Eto, S., Moritani, Y., Dalton, G., Lewis, I., Lee, H., Tosh, I., Froud, T., Murray, G., Blackburn, C., Bonfield, D., Gillingham, P., Smedley, S., …Frost, G. (2008, July). FMOS: the fiber multiple-object spectrograph: Part VI. Onboard performances and results of the engineering observations. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II, Marseille, France

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II
Publication Date 2008-07
Deposit Date Mar 22, 2016
Volume 7014
Series Title Proceedings of SPIE
Series ISSN 0277-786X
Book Title Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II: Marseille, France, June 23, 2008
Public URL