Visuomotor adaptation is impaired in patients with unilateral neglect.
Journal Article
Aimola, L., Rogers, G., Kerkoff, G., Smith, D., & Schenk, T. (2012). Visuomotor adaptation is impaired in patients with unilateral neglect. Neuropsychologia, 50(6), 1158-1163.
Outputs (61)
The Premotor theory of attention: Time to move on? (2012)
Journal Article
Smith, D., & Schenk, T. (2012). The Premotor theory of attention: Time to move on?. Neuropsychologia, 50(6), 1104-1114. attention and eye-movements are tightly coupled, but the precise nature of this coupling is controversial. The influential but controversial Premotor theory of attention makes four specific predictions about the relationship between motor pre... Read More about The Premotor theory of attention: Time to move on?.
The involvement of posterior parietal cortex and frontal eye fields in spatially primed visual search (2012)
Journal Article
Lane, A., Smith, D., Schenk, T., & Ellison, A. (2012). The involvement of posterior parietal cortex and frontal eye fields in spatially primed visual search. Brain Stimulation, 5(1), 11-17. Right posterior parietal cortex (rPPC) and frontal eye fields (FEF) are known to be involved in processing visuospatial attention. However, the functional involvement of these areas in spatial priming in complex conjunction visual search... Read More about The involvement of posterior parietal cortex and frontal eye fields in spatially primed visual search.
The involvement of posterior parietal cortex in feature and conjunction visuomotor search (2011)
Journal Article
Lane, A., Smith, D., Schenk, T., & Ellison, A. (2011). The involvement of posterior parietal cortex in feature and conjunction visuomotor search. The Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(8), 1964-1972. interaction with the environment often involves the identification and localization of a particular item. Right posterior parietal cortex (rPPC) is necessary for the successful completion of conjunction but not feature visual search, regar... Read More about The involvement of posterior parietal cortex in feature and conjunction visuomotor search.
Inhibition of return exaggerates change blindness (2010)
Journal Article
Smith, D., & Schenk, T. (2010). Inhibition of return exaggerates change blindness. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63(11), 2231-2238. cues trigger attention shifts, which facilitate perceptual processing and enhance visual awareness. However, this facilitation is superseded by an inhibition of return (IOR) effect, which biases attention away from the cued location. While... Read More about Inhibition of return exaggerates change blindness.
A body-centred frame of reference drives spatial priming in visual search (2010)
Journal Article
Ball, K., Smith, D., Ellison, A., & Schenk, T. (2010). A body-centred frame of reference drives spatial priming in visual search. Experimental Brain Research, 204(4), 585-594. priming in visual search is a well-documented phenomenon. If the target of a visual search is presented at the same location in subsequent trials, the time taken to find the target at this repeated target location is significantly reduced. Pr... Read More about A body-centred frame of reference drives spatial priming in visual search.
Visual exploration training is no better than attention training for treating hemianopia (2010)
Journal Article
Lane, A., Smith, D., Ellison, A., & Schenk, T. (2010). Visual exploration training is no better than attention training for treating hemianopia. Brain, 133(6), 1717-1728. with homonymous visual field defects experience disabling functional impairments as a consequence of their visual loss. Compensatory visual exploration training aims to improve the searching skills of these patients in order to help them to... Read More about Visual exploration training is no better than attention training for treating hemianopia.
Deficits of reflexive attention induced by abduction of the eye (2010)
Journal Article
Smith, D., Ball, K., Ellison, A., & Schenk, T. (2010). Deficits of reflexive attention induced by abduction of the eye. Neuropsychologia, 48(5), 1269-1276. mediates access of sensory events to higher cognitive systems and can be driven by either top-down voluntary mechanisms or in a bottom-up, reflexive fashion by the sensory properties of a stimulus. The exact mechanisms underlying these diff... Read More about Deficits of reflexive attention induced by abduction of the eye.
An intact eye-movement system is not required to generate Inhibition of Return (2009)
Journal Article
Smith, D., Jackson, S., & Rorden, C. (2009). An intact eye-movement system is not required to generate Inhibition of Return. Journal of Neuropsychology, 3(2), 267-271. is unable to make eye-movements and has a deficit of reflexive attention. Here, we demonstrate that despite these deficits AI exhibits inhibition of return (IOR) for peripherally cued objects and locations. These data suggest that an intact oculom... Read More about An intact eye-movement system is not required to generate Inhibition of Return.
Immediate and delayed actions share a common visuomotor transformation mechanism: A prism adaptation study (2009)
Journal Article
Rogers, G., Smith, D., & Schenk, T. (2009). Immediate and delayed actions share a common visuomotor transformation mechanism: A prism adaptation study. Neuropsychologia, 47(6), 1546-1552. is a key assumption of the perception/action model that the dorsal stream relies on current visual input and does not store visual information over an extended period of time. Consequently, it is expected that action which is guided by memorized v... Read More about Immediate and delayed actions share a common visuomotor transformation mechanism: A prism adaptation study.