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Outputs (2851)

SK_DU Team: Cross-Encoder based Evidence Retrieval and Question Generation with Improved Prompt for the AVeriTeC Shared Task (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Malviya, S., & Katsigiannis, S. (2024, November). SK_DU Team: Cross-Encoder based Evidence Retrieval and Question Generation with Improved Prompt for the AVeriTeC Shared Task. Presented at 7th Fact Extraction and VERification Workshop (FEVER), Miami, Florida, USA

As part of the AVeriTeC shared task, we developed a pipelined system comprising robust and finely tuned models. Our system integrates advanced techniques for evidence retrieval and question generation, leveraging cross-encoders and large language mod... Read More about SK_DU Team: Cross-Encoder based Evidence Retrieval and Question Generation with Improved Prompt for the AVeriTeC Shared Task.

The complexity of growing a graph (2024)
Journal Article
Mertzios, G., Michail, O., Skretas, G., Spirakis, P. G., & Theofilatos, M. (2025). The complexity of growing a graph. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 147, Article 103587.

We study a new algorithmic process of graph growth which starts from a single initial vertex and operates in discrete time-steps, called slots. In every slot, the graph grows via two operations (i) vertex generation and (ii) edge activation. The proc... Read More about The complexity of growing a graph.

ArtAI4DS: AI Art and Its Empowering Role in Digital Storytelling (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fernandes, T., Nisi, V., Nunes, N., & James, S. (2024, September). ArtAI4DS: AI Art and Its Empowering Role in Digital Storytelling. Presented at IFIP International Conference on Entertainment Computing, Manaus, Brazil

In an era of global interconnections, storytelling is a compelling medium for fostering understanding, building connections, and facilitating cultural exchange. Throughout history, visual imagery has been used to enrich narratives. However, this has... Read More about ArtAI4DS: AI Art and Its Empowering Role in Digital Storytelling.

Two-Person Interaction Augmentation with Skeleton Priors (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Li, B., Ho, E. S. L., Shum, H. P. H., & Wang, H. (2024, June). Two-Person Interaction Augmentation with Skeleton Priors. Presented at 2024 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), Seattle, Washington

Close and continuous interaction with rich contacts is a crucial aspect of human activities (e.g. hugging, dancing) and of interest in many domains like activity recognition, motion prediction, character animation, etc. However, acquiring such skelet... Read More about Two-Person Interaction Augmentation with Skeleton Priors.

Re-assembling the past: The RePAIR dataset and benchmark for real world 2D and 3D puzzle solving (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tsesmelis, T., Palmieri, L., Khoroshiltseva, M., Islam, A., Elkin, G., Itzhak Shahar, O., Scarpellini, G., Fiorini, S., Ohayon, Y., Alali, N., Aslan, S., Morerio, P., Vascon, S., gravina, E., Cristina Napolitano, M., Scarpati, G., zuchtriegel, G., Spühler, A., Fuchs, M. E., James, S., …Del Bue, A. (2024, December). Re-assembling the past: The RePAIR dataset and benchmark for real world 2D and 3D puzzle solving. Presented at Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Datasets and Benchmarks Track, Vancouver, Canada

This paper proposes the RePAIR dataset that represents a challenging benchmark to test modern computational and data driven methods for puzzle-solving and reassembly tasks. Our dataset has unique properties that are uncommon to current benchmarks for... Read More about Re-assembling the past: The RePAIR dataset and benchmark for real world 2D and 3D puzzle solving.

Scheduling with Obligatory Tests (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dogeas, K., Erlebach, T., & Liang, Y.-C. (2024, September). Scheduling with Obligatory Tests. Presented at 32nd Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2024), Egham, United Kingdom

Motivated by settings such as medical treatments or aircraft maintenance, we consider a scheduling problem with jobs that consist of two operations, a test and a processing part. The time required to execute the test is known in advance while the tim... Read More about Scheduling with Obligatory Tests.

Towards Communication-Efficient Peer-to-Peer Networks (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hourani, K., Moses Jr., W. K., & Pandurangan, G. (2024, September). Towards Communication-Efficient Peer-to-Peer Networks. Presented at 32nd Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2024), Egham, United Kingdom

We focus on designing Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks that enable efficient communication. Over the last two decades, there has been substantial algorithmic research on distributed protocols for building P2P networks with various desirable properties suc... Read More about Towards Communication-Efficient Peer-to-Peer Networks.