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Neural architecture search: A contemporary literature review for computer vision applications (2023)
Journal Article
Poyser, M., & Breckon, T. P. (2024). Neural architecture search: A contemporary literature review for computer vision applications. Pattern Recognition, 147, 110052.

Deep Neural Networks have received considerable attention in recent years. As the complexity of network architecture increases in relation to the task complexity, it becomes harder to manually craft an optimal neural network architecture and train it... Read More about Neural architecture search: A contemporary literature review for computer vision applications.

Intrusion Detection in Critical SD-IoT Ecosystem (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Algamdi, H., Aujla, G. S., Jindal, A., & Trehan, A. (2023, May). Intrusion Detection in Critical SD-IoT Ecosystem. Presented at 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), Rome, Italy

The Internet of Things (IoT) connects physical objects with intelligent decision-making support to exchange information and enable various critical applications. The IoT enables billions of devices to connect to the Internet, thereby collecting and e... Read More about Intrusion Detection in Critical SD-IoT Ecosystem.

Cross-chain Transaction Validation using Lock-and-Key Method for Multi-System Blockchain (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kumar, G., Lahiri, S., Dua, A., & Aujla, G. S. (2023, May). Cross-chain Transaction Validation using Lock-and-Key Method for Multi-System Blockchain. Presented at 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), Rome, Italy

Blockchains have profoundly impacted finance and administration, but there are several issues with the current blockchain platforms, including a lack of system interoperability. Currently used blockchain application platforms only work within their n... Read More about Cross-chain Transaction Validation using Lock-and-Key Method for Multi-System Blockchain.

PetBERT: automated ICD-11 syndromic disease coding for outbreak detection in first opinion veterinary electronic health records (2023)
Journal Article
Farrell, S., Appleton, C., Noble, P. M., & Al Moubayed, N. (2023). PetBERT: automated ICD-11 syndromic disease coding for outbreak detection in first opinion veterinary electronic health records. Scientific Reports, 13(1), Article 18015.

Effective public health surveillance requires consistent monitoring of disease signals such that researchers and decision-makers can react dynamically to changes in disease occurrence. However, whilst surveillance initiatives exist in production anim... Read More about PetBERT: automated ICD-11 syndromic disease coding for outbreak detection in first opinion veterinary electronic health records.

MONEY: Ensemble learning for stock price movement prediction via a convolutional network with adversarial hypergraph model (2023)
Journal Article
Sun, Z., Harit, A., Cristea, A. I., Wang, J., & Lio, P. (2023). MONEY: Ensemble learning for stock price movement prediction via a convolutional network with adversarial hypergraph model. AI open, 4, 165-174.

Stock price prediction is challenging in financial investment, with the AI boom leading to increased interest from researchers. Despite these recent advances, many studies are limited to capturing the time series characteristics of price movement via... Read More about MONEY: Ensemble learning for stock price movement prediction via a convolutional network with adversarial hypergraph model.

Unified Robust Path Planning and Optimal Trajectory Generation for Efficient 3D Area Coverage of Quadrotor UAVs (2023)
Journal Article
Rekabi-Bana, F., Hu, J., Krajník, T., & Arvin, F. (2024). Unified Robust Path Planning and Optimal Trajectory Generation for Efficient 3D Area Coverage of Quadrotor UAVs. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25(3), 2492-2507.

Area coverage is an important problem in robotics applications, which has been widely used in search and rescue, offshore industrial inspection, and smart agriculture. This paper demonstrates a novel unified robust path planning, optimal trajectory g... Read More about Unified Robust Path Planning and Optimal Trajectory Generation for Efficient 3D Area Coverage of Quadrotor UAVs.

The Power of Two Choices with Load Comparison Errors (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bhambay, S., Mukhopadhyay, A., & Vasantam, T. (2023, October). The Power of Two Choices with Load Comparison Errors. Presented at MobiHoc '23: The Twenty-fourth International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing, Washington, DC

We consider a system with n unit-rate servers where jobs arrive according a Poisson process with rate nλ (λ < 1). In the standard Power-of-two or Po2 scheme, for each incoming job, a job dispatcher samples two servers uniformly at random and sends th... Read More about The Power of Two Choices with Load Comparison Errors.

Fusing ECG signals and IRT models for task difficulty prediction in computerised educational systems (2023)
Journal Article
Arevalillo-Herráez, M., Katsigiannis, S., Alqahtani, F., & Arnau-González, P. (2023). Fusing ECG signals and IRT models for task difficulty prediction in computerised educational systems. Knowledge-Based Systems, 280, Article 111052.

Accurately assessing task difficulty is a critical aspect to achieve adaptation in computer-based educational systems. In real-world scenarios, task difficulty estimation can be personalised for individuals by leveraging Item Respon... Read More about Fusing ECG signals and IRT models for task difficulty prediction in computerised educational systems.