List 3-Coloring on Comb-Convex and Caterpillar-Convex Bipartite Graphs
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Baklan Sen, B., Diner, Ö. Y., & Erlebach, T. (2023, December). List 3-Coloring on Comb-Convex and Caterpillar-Convex Bipartite Graphs. Presented at 29th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2023), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Given a graph G = (V, E) and a list of available colors L(v) for each vertex v ∈ V, where L(v) ⊆ {1, 2, . . . , k}, LIST k-COLORING refers to the problem of assigning colors to the vertices of G so that each vertex receives a color from its own list... Read More about List 3-Coloring on Comb-Convex and Caterpillar-Convex Bipartite Graphs.