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Outputs (14)

Fire in the Moor: Mesolithic carbonised remains in riverine deposits at Gleann Mor Barabhais, Lewis, Western Isles of Scotland (2018)
Journal Article
Piper, S., Bishop, R., Rowley-Conwy, P., Elliott, L., & Church, M. (2018). Fire in the Moor: Mesolithic carbonised remains in riverine deposits at Gleann Mor Barabhais, Lewis, Western Isles of Scotland. Journal of the North Atlantic, 35, 1-22.

This paper presents the results of a palaeoenvironmental investigation of riverine deposits containing charred heathland plant material, recovered during an archaeological survey of Gleann Mor Barabhais, Lewis, Western Isles of Scotland. This survey... Read More about Fire in the Moor: Mesolithic carbonised remains in riverine deposits at Gleann Mor Barabhais, Lewis, Western Isles of Scotland.

Summed radiocarbon probability distributions from cereal grains: arable cultivation proxy or the ‘archaeology of us’? (a reply to Stevens and Fuller 2015) (2015)
Journal Article
Bishop, R. (2015). Summed radiocarbon probability distributions from cereal grains: arable cultivation proxy or the ‘archaeology of us’? (a reply to Stevens and Fuller 2015). World Archaeology, 47(5), 876-881.

In response to the critique in this volume (Bishop 2015), Stevens and Fuller (2015) have modified their original interpretation of Late Neolithic subsistence strategies in the British Isles (Stevens and Fuller 2012). This article highlights the key i... Read More about Summed radiocarbon probability distributions from cereal grains: arable cultivation proxy or the ‘archaeology of us’? (a reply to Stevens and Fuller 2015).

Did Late Neolithic farming fail or flourish? A Scottish perspective on the evidence for Late Neolithic arable cultivation in the British Isles (2015)
Journal Article
Bishop, R. (2015). Did Late Neolithic farming fail or flourish? A Scottish perspective on the evidence for Late Neolithic arable cultivation in the British Isles. World Archaeology, 47(5), 834-855.

This paper critically assesses the recent claim (Stevens and Fuller 2012) that cereal agriculture was abandoned in the Late Neolithic of the British Isles. The Scottish archaeobotanical dataset is considered in detail to test the universal applicabil... Read More about Did Late Neolithic farming fail or flourish? A Scottish perspective on the evidence for Late Neolithic arable cultivation in the British Isles.

Firewood, food and niche construction: the potential role of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers in actively structuring Scotland's woodlands (2014)
Journal Article
Bishop, R., Church, M., & Rowley-Conwy, P. (2015). Firewood, food and niche construction: the potential role of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers in actively structuring Scotland's woodlands. Quaternary Science Reviews, 108, 51-75.

Over the past few decades the potential role of Mesolithic hunter–gatherers in actively constructing their own niches, through the management of wild plants, has frequently been discussed. It is probable that Mesolithic hunter–gatherers systematicall... Read More about Firewood, food and niche construction: the potential role of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers in actively structuring Scotland's woodlands.

Seeds, fruits and nuts in the Scottish Mesolithic (2014)
Journal Article
Bishop, R., Church, M., & Rowley-Conwy, P. (2014). Seeds, fruits and nuts in the Scottish Mesolithic. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 143, 9-72

Over the past few decades, the potential importance of plants within European Mesolithic economies has frequently been discussed, but there has been little systematic consideration of the archaeobotanical evidence for Mesolithic plant consumption in... Read More about Seeds, fruits and nuts in the Scottish Mesolithic.

A charcoal-rich horizon at Ø69, Greenland: Evidence for vegetation burning during the Norse landnám? (2013)
Journal Article
Bishop, R., Church, M., Dugmore, A., Madsen, C., & Møller, N. (2013). A charcoal-rich horizon at Ø69, Greenland: Evidence for vegetation burning during the Norse landnám?. Journal of Archaeological Science, 40(11), 3890-3902.

It is often assumed that the colonisation of Greenland by Norse settlers in c. A.D. 985 had a sudden and dramatic effect on the environment, involving substantial vegetation clearance and environmental degradation. Consequently, it has been argued th... Read More about A charcoal-rich horizon at Ø69, Greenland: Evidence for vegetation burning during the Norse landnám?.

Tràigh na Beirigh 9 (2013)
Journal Article
Snape-Kennedy, L., Church, M., Bishop, R., Clegg, C., Johnson, L., Piper, S., & Rowley-Conwy, P. (2013). Tràigh na Beirigh 9. Discovery and excavation in Scotland, 14,

Tràigh na Beirigh 2 (2013)
Journal Article
Bishop, R., Church, M., Clegg, C., Johnson, L., Piper, S., Rowley-Conwy, P., & Snape-Kennedy, L. (2013). Tràigh na Beirigh 2. Discovery and excavation in Scotland, 14, 198-199

Tràigh na Beirigh, Uig (2012)
Journal Article
Church, M., Bishop, R., Blake, E., Nesbitt, C., Perri, A., Piper, S., …Walker, J. (2012). Tràigh na Beirigh, Uig. Discovery and excavation in Scotland, 13,

Temple Bay, Harris (2012)
Journal Article
Church, M., Bishop, R., Blake, E., Nesbitt, C., Perri, A., Piper, S., & Rowley-Conwy, P. (2012). Temple Bay, Harris. Discovery and excavation in Scotland, 13,