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Did Late Neolithic farming fail or flourish? A Scottish perspective on the evidence for Late Neolithic arable cultivation in the British Isles

Bishop, R.R.

Did Late Neolithic farming fail or flourish? A Scottish perspective on the evidence for Late Neolithic arable cultivation in the British Isles Thumbnail


R.R. Bishop


This paper critically assesses the recent claim (Stevens and Fuller 2012) that cereal agriculture was abandoned in the Late Neolithic of the British Isles. The Scottish archaeobotanical dataset is considered in detail to test the universal applicability of the model proposed by Stevens and Fuller (2012) and a series of alternative hypotheses are suggested to explain the nature of the current evidence. It is argued that the importance of arable agriculture probably varied on a local as well as a regional scale and that caution should be exercised when attempting to apply unitary models to complex datasets.


Bishop, R. (2015). Did Late Neolithic farming fail or flourish? A Scottish perspective on the evidence for Late Neolithic arable cultivation in the British Isles. World Archaeology, 47(5), 834-855.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 6, 2015
Online Publication Date Aug 17, 2015
Publication Date Oct 1, 2015
Deposit Date Aug 6, 2015
Publicly Available Date Jul 22, 2016
Journal World Archaeology
Print ISSN 0043-8243
Electronic ISSN 1470-1375
Publisher Taylor and Francis Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 47
Issue 5
Pages 834-855
Keywords Neolithic, Agriculture, Cereal cultivation, Archaeobotany, British Isles, Britain
Public URL


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