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Outputs (11)

Vaccine politics: Law and inequality in the pandemic response to COVID‐19 (2023)
Journal Article
Kavanagh, M. M., & Singh, R. (2023). Vaccine politics: Law and inequality in the pandemic response to COVID‐19. Global Policy, 14(2), 229-246.

International mechanisms failed to achieve equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines—prolonging and deepening the pandemic. To understand why, we conduct process tracing of the first year of international policymaking on vaccine equity. We find tha... Read More about Vaccine politics: Law and inequality in the pandemic response to COVID‐19.

Priming COVID-19's consequences can increase support for investments in public health (2023)
Journal Article
Singh, R. (2023). Priming COVID-19's consequences can increase support for investments in public health. Social Science & Medicine, 324, Article 115840.

Can messaging that emphasizes the costs of COVID-19 increase popular support for more proactive public health policies? People who experience disasters often become more supportive of policies to address their underlying causes, and the pandemic may... Read More about Priming COVID-19's consequences can increase support for investments in public health.

The Social Contract and Responses to COVID-19 (2023)
Book Chapter
Singh, R. (2023). The Social Contract and Responses to COVID-19. In C. Loh (Ed.), How COVID-19 Took Over the World: Lessons for the Future. Hong Kong University Press

Where Is the Money From? Attitudes toward Donor Countries and Foreign Aid in the Arab World (2022)
Journal Article
Singh, R., & Williamson, S. (2022). Where Is the Money From? Attitudes toward Donor Countries and Foreign Aid in the Arab World. International Studies Quarterly, 66(4), Article sqac068.

How does funding from foreign aid shape public opinion toward development programs? Existing research suggests that citizens of recipient countries prefer aid-funded programs, particularly if they view the domestic government as corrupt and ineffecti... Read More about Where Is the Money From? Attitudes toward Donor Countries and Foreign Aid in the Arab World.

Fashion consumption during COVID-19: Comparative analysis of changing acquisition practices across nine countries and implications for sustainability (2022)
Journal Article
Vladimirova, K., Henninger, C. E., Joyner-Martinez, C., Iran, S., Diddi, S., Durrani, M., …Wallaschkowski, S. (2022). Fashion consumption during COVID-19: Comparative analysis of changing acquisition practices across nine countries and implications for sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 5, Article 100056.

The COVID-19 pandemic caused and still causes unprecedented disruptions in daily lives of billions of people globally. It affects practices and routines across all household consumption domains, including clothing consumption. Drawing on Social Pract... Read More about Fashion consumption during COVID-19: Comparative analysis of changing acquisition practices across nine countries and implications for sustainability.

Understanding and comparing HIV-related law and policy environments: cross-national data and accountability for the global AIDS response (2020)
Journal Article
Kavanagh, M. M., Graeden, E., Pillinger, M., Singh, R., Eaneff, S., Bendaud, V., …Erkkola, T. (2020). Understanding and comparing HIV-related law and policy environments: cross-national data and accountability for the global AIDS response. BMJ Global Health, 5(9), Article e003695.

Law and policy differences help explain why, as HIV-related science has advanced swiftly, some countries have realised remarkable progress on AIDS while others see expanding epidemics. We describe the structure and findings of a new dataset and resea... Read More about Understanding and comparing HIV-related law and policy environments: cross-national data and accountability for the global AIDS response.