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Outputs (2)

Representative misconduct, voter perceptions and accountability: Evidence from the 2009 House of Commons expenses scandal (2012)
Journal Article
Vivyan, N., Wagner, M., & Tarlov, J. (2012). Representative misconduct, voter perceptions and accountability: Evidence from the 2009 House of Commons expenses scandal. Electoral Studies, 31(4), 750-763.

This paper examines electoral accountability after the 2009–10 UK expenses scandal. Existing research shows that Members of Parliament (MPs) implicated in the scandal fared only marginally worse in the election than non-implicated colleagues. This la... Read More about Representative misconduct, voter perceptions and accountability: Evidence from the 2009 House of Commons expenses scandal.

Do voters reward rebellion? The electoral accountability of MPs in Britain (2012)
Journal Article
Vivyan, N., & Wagner, M. (2012). Do voters reward rebellion? The electoral accountability of MPs in Britain. European Journal of Political Research, 51(2), 235-264.

To hold their Members of Parliament individually accountable for their legislative behaviour, British voters would need to base their decision to vote for an MP at least partially on the extent to which the MP's legislative voting behaviour deviated... Read More about Do voters reward rebellion? The electoral accountability of MPs in Britain.