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Outputs (152)

Narratives of participation among individuals with physical disabilities: A life-course analysis of athletes' experiences and development in parasport (2018)
Journal Article
Allan, V., Smith, B., Côté, J., Martin Ginis, K., & Latimer-Cheung, A. (2018). Narratives of participation among individuals with physical disabilities: A life-course analysis of athletes' experiences and development in parasport. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 37, 170-178.

Evidence-based scientific exercise guidelines for adults with spinal cord injury: An update and a new guideline (2018)
Journal Article
Martin Ginis, K., Van Der Scheer, J., Latimer-Cheung, A., Barrow, A., Bourne, C., Carruthers, P., Bernardi, M., Ditor, D., Gaudet, S., De Groot, S., Hayes, K., Hicks, A., Leicht, C., Lexell, J., MacAluso, S., Manns, P., McBride, C., Noonan, V., Pomerleau, P., Rimmer, J., …Goosey-Tolfrey, V. (2018). Evidence-based scientific exercise guidelines for adults with spinal cord injury: An update and a new guideline. Spinal Cord, 56(4), 308-321.