Single parents
Book Chapter
Hampden-Thompson, G. (2009). Single parents. In R. A. Shweder, T. R. Bidell, A. C. Dailey, S. D. Dixon, P. J. Miller, & J. Modell (Eds.), The child: an encyclopaedic companion. University of Chicago Press
Outputs (131)
Course credit accrual and dropping out of high school, by student characteristics (2009)
Hampden-Thompson, G., Warkentien, S., & Bruce, D. (2009). Course credit accrual and dropping out of high school, by student characteristics. US Department of EducationThis Statistics in Brief uses data from the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002) to examine the number of credits earned by high school students and the relationship between course credit accrual and dropping out. Findings indicate that hi... Read More about Course credit accrual and dropping out of high school, by student characteristics.
Are two better than one?: a comparative study of achievement gaps and family structure (2009)
Journal Article
Hampden-Thompson, G. (2009). Are two better than one?: a comparative study of achievement gaps and family structure. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 39, 517-537. data from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), the size of the literacy achievement gap between 15-year-old students from two-parent and those from single-mother households were compared across 18 industrialized nations. Thi... Read More about Are two better than one?: a comparative study of achievement gaps and family structure.
Realistic contexts, mathematics assessment and social class: lessons for assessment policy from an English research programme. (2009)
Book Chapter
Cooper, B., & Harries, A. (2009). Realistic contexts, mathematics assessment and social class: lessons for assessment policy from an English research programme. In L. Verschaffel, B. Greer, W. Dooren, & S. Mukhopadhyay (Eds.), Words and worlds: modelling verbal descriptions of situations (93-110). Sense Publishers
Authenticity and higher education: the Nietzschean university in the twenty-first century. (2009)
Book Chapter
Smith, R. (2009). Authenticity and higher education: the Nietzschean university in the twenty-first century. In T. E. Hart (Ed.), Nietzsche, Culture and Education (1-11). Ashgate Publishing
Introduction: Education and Training: Becoming Interculturally Competent. (2009)
Book Chapter
Fleming, M. (2009). Introduction: Education and Training: Becoming Interculturally Competent. In A. Feng, M. Byram, & M. Fleming (Eds.), Becoming Interculturally Competent through Education and Training. Multilingual Matters
Authentic testing in mathematics? The boundary between everyday and mathematical knowledge in National Curriculum testing in English schools. (2009)
Book Chapter
Cooper, B. (2009). Authentic testing in mathematics? The boundary between everyday and mathematical knowledge in National Curriculum testing in English schools. In A. Bishop (Ed.), Mathematics education. Routledge
On-entry Baseline Assessment across Cultures. (2009)
Book Chapter
Tymms, P., & Merrell, C. (2009). On-entry Baseline Assessment across Cultures. In A. Anning, J. Cullen, & M. Fleers (Eds.), Early Childhood Education: Society and Culture. (2nd ed.). SAGE Publications
Assessing Intercultural Competence: The Sailsa Project. (2009)
Book Chapter
Fleming, M., & Feng, A. (2009). Assessing Intercultural Competence: The Sailsa Project. In A. Hu, & M. Byram (Eds.), Intercultural Competence and Foreign Language Learning. Gunter Narr
Learning. (2009)
Book Chapter
Davis, A. (2009). Learning. In R. Bailey, D. Carr, R. Barrow, & C. McCarthy (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Philosophy of Education. SAGE Publications