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Outputs (6)

The impact of student:teacher ethnic congruence on student treatment and relationships at school: an international review of evidence (2025)
Journal Article
Gorard, S., Tereshchenko, A., Gao, Y., See, B., Siddiqui, N., & Demie, F. (2025). The impact of student:teacher ethnic congruence on student treatment and relationships at school: an international review of evidence. Review of Education Studies, 5(1),

There has been growing interest in and concern over the disproportionality of the ethnicity of school teachers compared to the ethnicity of the students they teach, especially in the US where much of the research is focussed. Similar issues arise in... Read More about The impact of student:teacher ethnic congruence on student treatment and relationships at school: an international review of evidence.

What helps to attract minority ethnic teachers in England?: Results from a national survey (2025)
Journal Article
Gorard, S., Gao, Y., Huat See, B., Tereshchenko, A., Siddiqui, N., & Demie, F. (2025). What helps to attract minority ethnic teachers in England?: Results from a national survey. Review of Education Studies, 5(1),

This paper is concerned with the experiences and retention of minority ethnic teachers in England. There are proportionately many fewer minority ethnic teachers than there are pupils, and it is important to understand why and what can be done about i... Read More about What helps to attract minority ethnic teachers in England?: Results from a national survey.

Do school exclusions and attainment outcomes disproportionately impact minority ethnic pupils? Analysis of pupil characteristics, segregation, and outcomes in England (2024)
Journal Article
Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., See, B. H., & Gao, Y. (2025). Do school exclusions and attainment outcomes disproportionately impact minority ethnic pupils? Analysis of pupil characteristics, segregation, and outcomes in England. Education Sciences, 15(1), Article 6.

Large-scale administrative datasets show disproportionate figures for attainment outcomes and school exclusions for pupils in some ethnic groups in England. This surface gap in attainment and school exclusion is concerning, and we consider whether et... Read More about Do school exclusions and attainment outcomes disproportionately impact minority ethnic pupils? Analysis of pupil characteristics, segregation, and outcomes in England.

Factors related to the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers: What are the barriers and facilitators? (2024)
Journal Article
See, B. H., Gorard, S., Gao, Y., Hitt, L., Siddiqui, N., Demie, F., Tereshchenko, A., & El Soufi, N. (2024). Factors related to the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers: What are the barriers and facilitators?. Review of Education, 12(3), Article e70005.

This paper reports on the findings of a comprehensive structured review of the factors that can help explain and perhaps improve the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers in schools. This issue has been a policy concern in several cou... Read More about Factors related to the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers: What are the barriers and facilitators?.

Why are ethnic minority teacher paid differently in England: a preliminary analysis of the School Workforce Census (2024)
Journal Article
Gorard, S., Gao, Y., Siddiqui, N., & See, B. H. (online). Why are ethnic minority teacher paid differently in England: a preliminary analysis of the School Workforce Census. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science,

This paper uses data from the School Workforce Census in England, 2015-2022, to examine differential pay rates for teachers of different ethnic groups. Part of the reason for this is to help understand why ethnic minority teachers are under-represent... Read More about Why are ethnic minority teacher paid differently in England: a preliminary analysis of the School Workforce Census.

Improving the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers: What is the evidence on the best approach? (2024)
Journal Article
See, B., Gorard, S., Gao, Y., Hitt, L., Demie, F., Tereshchenko, A., Siddiqui, N., & el Soufi, N. (in press). Improving the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers: What is the evidence on the best approach?. Review of Education,

This paper reports on the findings of a comprehensive structured review of the factors that can help explain and perhaps improve the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers in schools. This issue has been a policy concern in several cou... Read More about Improving the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers: What is the evidence on the best approach?.