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Outputs (21)

The Time Inheritors: How Time Inequalities Shape Higher Education Mobility in China (2025)
Xu, C. L. (2025). The Time Inheritors: How Time Inequalities Shape Higher Education Mobility in China. State University of New York Press

Can a student inherit time? What difference does time make to their educational journeys and outcomes? The Time Inheritors draws on nearly a decade of field research with more than one hundred youth in China to argue that intergenerational transfers... Read More about The Time Inheritors: How Time Inequalities Shape Higher Education Mobility in China.

Epistemic injustice and neo-racism: How Zhihu users portray ‘Chinese doctoral supervisors’ working in Western academia (2024)
Journal Article
Xu, C. L. (online). Epistemic injustice and neo-racism: How Zhihu users portray ‘Chinese doctoral supervisors’ working in Western academia. Higher Education,

The image of Chinese doctoral supervisors working in Western academia is riddled with stereotypes in urban myths but little research to date has been conducted on these portrayals of Chinese supervisors. Drawing on postcolonial theories, including no... Read More about Epistemic injustice and neo-racism: How Zhihu users portray ‘Chinese doctoral supervisors’ working in Western academia.

Geography-mediated institutionalised cultural capital: Regional inequalities in graduate employment (2023)
Journal Article
Xu, C. L., & Ma, Y. (2023). Geography-mediated institutionalised cultural capital: Regional inequalities in graduate employment. Journal of Education and Work, 36(1), 22-36.

This article investigates how regional inequalities shape the employment seeking experiences and behaviour of graduates by drawing on the case of Chinese Master’s graduates under COVID19. Based on interviews with graduates who chose to work as the ‘t... Read More about Geography-mediated institutionalised cultural capital: Regional inequalities in graduate employment.

Portraying the ‘Chinese international students’: A review of English-language and Chinese-language literature on Chinese international students (2015-2020) (2021)
Journal Article
Xu, C. L. (2022). Portraying the ‘Chinese international students’: A review of English-language and Chinese-language literature on Chinese international students (2015-2020). Asia Pacific Education Review, 23(1), 151-167.

The Chinese international students are often portrayed in a monolithic manner in popular discourse. To offer a more comprehensive and critical representation of the Chinese international students, this paper conducts a thematic narrative review of 12... Read More about Portraying the ‘Chinese international students’: A review of English-language and Chinese-language literature on Chinese international students (2015-2020).

Examining Burmese students’ multilingual practices and identity positionings at a border high school in China (2021)
Journal Article
Li, J., Ai, B., & Xu, C. L. (2022). Examining Burmese students’ multilingual practices and identity positionings at a border high school in China. Ethnicities, 22(2), 233-252.

This study explores a cohort of Burmese students’ lived experiences at a border high school in China and demonstrates that their multilingual practices and identity positionings constitute exclusionary effects that limit their interactions with their... Read More about Examining Burmese students’ multilingual practices and identity positionings at a border high school in China.

Family-mediated migration infrastructure: Chinese international students and parents navigating (im)mobilities during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020)
Journal Article
Hu, Y., Xu, C. L., & Tu, M. (2022). Family-mediated migration infrastructure: Chinese international students and parents navigating (im)mobilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Chinese Sociological Review, 54(1), 62-87.

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated responses such as border closure, lockdown measures and flight controls have severely disrupted transnational infrastructures that sustain, channel, organize, and condition international migration.... Read More about Family-mediated migration infrastructure: Chinese international students and parents navigating (im)mobilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Getting Ahead While Retaining Ethnic Salience: Educational Mobilities, Class, and Empowerment of a Tibetan Student in China (2020)
Journal Article
Yang, M., & Xu, C. L. (2022). Getting Ahead While Retaining Ethnic Salience: Educational Mobilities, Class, and Empowerment of a Tibetan Student in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 42(2), 335-349.

Adopting empowerment as a theoretical lens, this paper examines how a combination of structural (particularly class background) and individual factors (particularly empowering agents and a strong personal will to achieve) have contributed to school s... Read More about Getting Ahead While Retaining Ethnic Salience: Educational Mobilities, Class, and Empowerment of a Tibetan Student in China.

The Making of Transnational Distinction: An Embodied Cultural Capital Perspective on Chinese Women Students’ Mobility (2020)
Journal Article
Zhang, S., & Xu, C. L. (2020). The Making of Transnational Distinction: An Embodied Cultural Capital Perspective on Chinese Women Students’ Mobility. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 41(8), 1251-1267.

Transnational distinction is highly relevant in an age when western degree inflation intersects with harsh gender expectations for Chinese women student migrants, a significant group of players in the scene of UK higher education. Drawing on particip... Read More about The Making of Transnational Distinction: An Embodied Cultural Capital Perspective on Chinese Women Students’ Mobility.

Time, class and privilege in career imagination: Exploring study-to-work transition of Chinese international students in UK universities through a Bourdieusian lens (2020)
Journal Article
Xu, C. L. (2021). Time, class and privilege in career imagination: Exploring study-to-work transition of Chinese international students in UK universities through a Bourdieusian lens. Time & Society, 30(1), 5-29.

Existing research and policy on international students’ study-to-work transition fall short of a temporal theoretical perspective that is sensitive to the fluid and class-stratified nature of their career imagination. Career imagination refers to how... Read More about Time, class and privilege in career imagination: Exploring study-to-work transition of Chinese international students in UK universities through a Bourdieusian lens.