The lowest canonical denominator: Electronic literary texts, and their publication, collection and preservation
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Warwick, C. (1999, December). The lowest canonical denominator: Electronic literary texts, and their publication, collection and preservation. Presented at New fields for Research in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 3rd British-Nordic Conference on Library and Information Studies. 12-14 April 1999, Borås, Sweden., Borås, Sweden
Outputs (17)
'Pathological Comsumption: Commodities and the End of Culture in H G Wells' Tono-Bungay'. (1999)
Book Chapter
James, S. J. (1999). 'Pathological Comsumption: Commodities and the End of Culture in H G Wells' Tono-Bungay'. In J. Hallam, & N. Moody (Eds.), Consuming for Pleasure: Selected Essays on Popular Fiction (44-61). Liverpool John Moores University Press
Technologies of the Sign (1999)
Book Chapter
Clark, T. (1999). Technologies of the Sign. In T. Clark, & N. Royle (Eds.), Oxford Literary Review 21
Reinventing Keats: The Late Victorian Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Thomas Hall Caine (1999)
Book Chapter
Wootton, S. (1999). Reinventing Keats: The Late Victorian Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Thomas Hall Caine. In M. Hewitt (Ed.), Representing Victorian Lives (113-126). Trinity and All Saints
Englishing American Poetics: The Case of Charles Tomlinson (1999)
Book Chapter
Reeves, G. (1999). Englishing American Poetics: The Case of Charles Tomlinson. In H. Klein, & et al. (Eds.), Poetry Now: Contemporary British and Irish Poetry in the Making (pp. 333-342). Stauffenburg Verlag
Nevitt's Memorial. An online edition. (1999)
Alexander, G., & Ravelhofer, B. (1999). Nevitt's Memorial. An online edition
’Novels’ (1999)
Book Chapter
Robertson, F. (1999). ’Novels’. In I. McCalman (Ed.), An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age: British Culture 1776-1832 (286-295). Oxford University Press
Revising the Two Cultures Debate: Literature, Science and Value (1999)
Book Chapter
Waugh, P. (1999). Revising the Two Cultures Debate: Literature, Science and Value. In The Arts and Sciences of Criticism
Ghastly Visualities: Keats and Victorian Art (1999)
Book Chapter
Wootton, S. (1999). Ghastly Visualities: Keats and Victorian Art. In S. Ruston (Ed.), The Influence and Anxiety of the British Romantics: Spectres of Romanticism (159-180). Edwin Mellen Press
The History of Lady Julia Mandeville' and 'Self-Control (1999)
Book Chapter
Skinner, G. (1999). The History of Lady Julia Mandeville' and 'Self-Control. In L. Sage (Ed.), The Cambridge Guide to Women's Writing in English. Cambridge University Press