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Outputs (1904)

Norfolk Hearth Tax 1672 and Norwich Hearth Tax 1671 (2024)
Green, A., Seaman, P., & Wareham, A. (2024). Norfolk Hearth Tax 1672 and Norwich Hearth Tax 1671. [Dataset]

Edition of hearth tax records for Norfolk and Norwich with an Introduction to the tax and its relationship to households and housing in late 17th Century England.

The making of towns, the making of polities: Towns and lords in late medieval Europe (2024)
Journal Article
Liddy, C. (2024). The making of towns, the making of polities: Towns and lords in late medieval Europe. Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies, 264(1), 3-47.

The relationship between towns and lords was fundamental both to the making of towns and to the making of polities in the late Middle Ages. The European literature on state growth has led historians to focus on the role of towns in historicizing narr... Read More about The making of towns, the making of polities: Towns and lords in late medieval Europe.

Remembering the Dead: Postmortem Guild Membership in Late Medieval England (2024)
Journal Article
Harkes, R. (2024). Remembering the Dead: Postmortem Guild Membership in Late Medieval England. Journal of British Studies, 63(2), 323–348.

As in many areas of pre-Reformation devotion, the dead were a conspicuous presence in English religious guilds of all sizes. Members joined in the expectation that the guild would say prayers and perform masses for their souls after death, and previo... Read More about Remembering the Dead: Postmortem Guild Membership in Late Medieval England.

“Extraordinarily Inconspicuous” Elephants: The Interspecies Constitution and Contestations of the Ivory Commodity Frontier in Nineteenth-Century South Sudan (2024)
Journal Article
Leonardi, C. (2024). “Extraordinarily Inconspicuous” Elephants: The Interspecies Constitution and Contestations of the Ivory Commodity Frontier in Nineteenth-Century South Sudan. Environmental History, 29(2), 254-280.

Elephants have been extraordinarily inconspicuous in the history of the ivory trade in nineteenth-century southern Sudan. One explanation for this is the process of commodification, which abstracted ivory from its animal origins and rendered invisibl... Read More about “Extraordinarily Inconspicuous” Elephants: The Interspecies Constitution and Contestations of the Ivory Commodity Frontier in Nineteenth-Century South Sudan.

Word and Image in Popular Science (2024)
Book Chapter
Martin, J. D. (2024). Word and Image in Popular Science. In F. Grant, & L. Jordanova (Eds.), Where Words and Images Meet. London: Bloomsbury

A Historiography of Great Animal Massacres (2024)
Book Chapter
Saha, J. (2024). A Historiography of Great Animal Massacres. In M. J. Glover, & L. Mitchell (Eds.), Animals as Experiencing Entities: Theories and Historical Narratives (163-177). Springer Nature.

One of the most lasting influences of Robert Darnton’s famous essay ‘The Great Cat Massacre’ is perhaps its title. Numerous journal articles, book chapters, and monographs have knowingly alluded to it in their own titles. Michael Vann’s ‘The Great Ha... Read More about A Historiography of Great Animal Massacres.