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Outputs (87)

Ideas and Political Mobilization in Africa (2019)
Book Chapter
Heffernan, A. (2019). Ideas and Political Mobilization in Africa. In Oxford research encyclopedia of politics. Oxford University Press.

Ideas play a key role in political mobilization around the world, and often ideas travel cross-nationally. It is important to recognize the diverse influences and iterative processes that produce political ideologies and influence mobilization. The s... Read More about Ideas and Political Mobilization in Africa.

Cultural Scaffolding and Technological Change (2019)
Book Chapter
Martin, J. D. (2019). Cultural Scaffolding and Technological Change. In A. C. Love, & W. C. Wimsatt (Eds.), Beyond the Meme: Development and Structure in Cultural Evolution (425-444). University of Minnesota Press

From peace campaigns to peaceocracy: elections, order and authority in Africa (2019)
Journal Article
Lynch, G., Cheeseman, N., & Willis, J. (2019). From peace campaigns to peaceocracy: elections, order and authority in Africa. African Affairs, 118(473), 603-627.

Research on Kenya’s 2013 elections has suggested that a “peace narrative” was deliberately promoted by an establishment elite to delegitimize protest and justify the use of excessive force. It has also tended to see the Kenyan case as exceptional and... Read More about From peace campaigns to peaceocracy: elections, order and authority in Africa.

‘X-rays don't tell lies’: the Medical Research Council and the measurement of respiratory disability, 1936–1945 (2019)
Journal Article
McGuire, C. (2019). ‘X-rays don't tell lies’: the Medical Research Council and the measurement of respiratory disability, 1936–1945. British Journal for the History of Science, 52(3), 447-465.

During the first half of the twentieth century, the mining industry in Britain was subject to recurrent disputes about the risk to miners’ lungs from coal dust, moderated by governmental, industrial, medical and mining bodies. In this environment, pr... Read More about ‘X-rays don't tell lies’: the Medical Research Council and the measurement of respiratory disability, 1936–1945.

Between two Chinas and two Koreas: African agency and non-alignment in 1970s Botswana (2019)
Journal Article
Kirby, J. (2020). Between two Chinas and two Koreas: African agency and non-alignment in 1970s Botswana. Cold War History, 20(1), 21-38.

This article explains Botswana’s non-aligned stance at the United Nations in the 1970s. It focuses on two diplomatic wars between China and Taiwan, and between North Korea and South Korea. Botswana’s position was challenged by intimidation from South... Read More about Between two Chinas and two Koreas: African agency and non-alignment in 1970s Botswana.

Introduction: The Transformation of Petitioning in the Long Nineteenth Century (1780-1914) (2019)
Journal Article
Miller, H. (2019). Introduction: The Transformation of Petitioning in the Long Nineteenth Century (1780-1914). Social Science History, 43(3), 409-429.

This introductory essay, firstly, offers a comparative, historical perspective on the transformation of petitioning into a vehicle for mass popular politics across North America and Western Europe during the “long” nineteenth century (1780–1914). Whi... Read More about Introduction: The Transformation of Petitioning in the Long Nineteenth Century (1780-1914).

Law and Architecture in Early Modern Durham (2019)
Book Chapter
Green, A. (2019). Law and Architecture in Early Modern Durham. In M. Lobban, J. Begatio, & A. Green (Eds.), Law, Lawyers and Litigants in Early Modern England: Essays in Memory of Christopher W. Brooks (265-291). Cambridge University Press

The Rise of the Brokered State: Situating Administrative Expansion in Chosŏn Korea (2019)
Journal Article
Lee, J. S. (2019). The Rise of the Brokered State: Situating Administrative Expansion in Chosŏn Korea. Seoul journal of Korean studies, 32(1), 81-108.

Between 1500 and 1800 CE, patterns of governance on the Korean Peninsula shifted toward a dynamic that I term the “rise of the brokered state.” While central political authority increasingly became entrenched in a small number of elite families resid... Read More about The Rise of the Brokered State: Situating Administrative Expansion in Chosŏn Korea.