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Outputs (87)

French Politics during the Hundred Years War (2019)
Book Chapter
Small, G. (2019). French Politics during the Hundred Years War. In The Hundred Years War Revisited (33-56). Bloomsbury.

How did French political life evolve under the pressures of the Hundred Years' War, and what bearing did developments in that sphere have upon the course of the conflict? This study reflects on key groups, notably the political class par excellence,... Read More about French Politics during the Hundred Years War.

The Palaeography of the Inscriptions (2019)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2019). The Palaeography of the Inscriptions. In C. Fern, T. Dickinson, & L. Webster (Eds.), The Staffordshire hoard : an Anglo-Saxon treasure. Society of Antiquaries

Review: Maaike van Berkel, Léon Buskens and Petra M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Legal Documents as Sources for the History of Muslim Societies. Studies in Honour of Rudolph Peters (Studies in Islamic Law and Society 42), Leiden: Brill 2017, 303 pp. + Index, ISBN: 978-90-04-34372-6. (2019)
Journal Article
Livingston, D. (2019). Review: Maaike van Berkel, Léon Buskens and Petra M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Legal Documents as Sources for the History of Muslim Societies. Studies in Honour of Rudolph Peters (Studies in Islamic Law and Society 42), Leiden: Brill 2017, 303 pp. + Index, ISBN: 978-90-04-34372-6. Der Islam, 96(2),