Urbi et orbi de manu monachi: a modern investigation of a Durham medieval manuscript
Gilbert, S. (2015). Urbi et orbi de manu monachi: a modern investigation of a Durham medieval manuscript
Outputs (78)
John Hancock and the Lammergeyer of the Alps (2015)
Journal Article
Lowther, D., & Jessop, L. (2015). John Hancock and the Lammergeyer of the Alps. Northumbrian naturalist, 77, 1-14
Discussing knowledge in the making (2015)
Book Chapter
Riggs, C. (2015). Discussing knowledge in the making. In W. Carruthers (Ed.), Histories of Egyptology: Interdisciplinary Measures (129-38). Routledge
Materials, Text, Layout and Script (2015)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2015). Materials, Text, Layout and Script. In C. Breay, & B. Meehan (Eds.), The St Cuthbert Gospel: studies on the Insular Manuscripts of the Gospel of John (13-39, 171-183). British Library
Material, Cultural and Political Consequences of the 1972 Olympics (2015)
Book Chapter
Schiller, K., & Young, C. (2015). Material, Cultural and Political Consequences of the 1972 Olympics. In R. Holt, & D. Ruta (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Sport and Legacy (351-362). Routledge
"Emotions in Intercultural Relations" (2015)
Book Chapter
Keys, B. (2015). "Emotions in Intercultural Relations". In Asia Pacific in the Age of Globalization, ed. Robert David Johnson (212-220). Palgrave Macmillan
The politics of slave trade suppression (2015)
Book Chapter
Huzzey, R. (2015). The politics of slave trade suppression. In R. Burroughs, & R. Huzzey (Eds.), The suppression of the Atlantic slave trade: British policies, practices and representations of naval coercion (17-52). Manchester University Press
Egypt (2015)
Book Chapter
Riggs, C. (2015). Egypt. In E. A. Friedland, M. G. Sobocinski, & E. K. Gazda (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Sculpture (552-68). Oxford University Press
Literary and Artistic Metropolises (2015)
Digital Artefact
Prokopovych, M., & Sweet, R. H. (2015). Literary and Artistic Metropolises
Devious Documents: Corruption and Paperwork in Colonial Burma, c. 1900 (2015)
Book Chapter
Saha, J. (2015). Devious Documents: Corruption and Paperwork in Colonial Burma, c. 1900. In E. Manktelow, & W. Jackson (Eds.), Subverting Empire: Deviance and Disorder in the British Colonial World (167-184). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137465870_9