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Outputs (70)

Introduction (2014)
Book Chapter
Gasper, G. E., & McKinnell, J. S. (2014). Introduction. In G. E. Gasper, & J. S. McKinnell (Eds.), Ambition and anxiety : courts and courtly discourse, c. 700-1600 (1-16). Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, [Durham, England]: Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Durham University

Beating Napoleon at Eton: Violence, Sport and Manliness in England's Public Schools, 1783-1815 (2014)
Journal Article
Waite, K. (2014). Beating Napoleon at Eton: Violence, Sport and Manliness in England's Public Schools, 1783-1815. Cultural and Social History, 11(3), 407-424.

Despite the popular aphorism that ‘the Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton’, historians have been slow to appreciate the value Georgian elites vested in their public schools and public school sport. In fact, the stereotype of the... Read More about Beating Napoleon at Eton: Violence, Sport and Manliness in England's Public Schools, 1783-1815.

Discourses of violence in the transition from colonialism to independence in southern Sudan, 1955–1960 (2014)
Journal Article
Rolandsen, Ø. H., & Leonardi, C. (2014). Discourses of violence in the transition from colonialism to independence in southern Sudan, 1955–1960. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 8(4), 609-625.

The Torit Mutiny of August 1955 in southern Sudan did not trigger a civil war, but state violence and disorder escalated over the following years. We explore how the outlook and strategies of the government officials who inherited the state apparatus... Read More about Discourses of violence in the transition from colonialism to independence in southern Sudan, 1955–1960.

Social tipping points and Earth systems dynamics (2014)
Journal Article
Bentley, R. A., Maddison, E. J., Ranner, P. H., Bissell, J. J., Caiado, C. C. C. S., Bhatanacharoen, P., Clark, T., Botha, M., Akinbami, F., Hollow, M., Michie, R., Huntley, B., Curtis, S., & Garnett, P. (2014). Social tipping points and Earth systems dynamics. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2, Article 35.

Recently, Early Warning Signals (EWS) have been developed to predict tipping points in Earth Systems. This discussion highlights the potential to apply EWS to human social and economic systems, which may also undergo similar critical transitions. Soc... Read More about Social tipping points and Earth systems dynamics.

Confederate supporters in the West Riding, 1861-1865: 'Cranks of the worst English species' (2014)
Journal Article
Bennett, M. (2014). Confederate supporters in the West Riding, 1861-1865: 'Cranks of the worst English species'. Northern History, 51(2), 311-329.

During the American Civil War, an intense debate took place over whether Britain should support the southern slave-owning Confederacy in its struggle for independence, endorse the Union’s attempts to put down the rebellion, or hold strict neutrality... Read More about Confederate supporters in the West Riding, 1861-1865: 'Cranks of the worst English species'.

All the colours of the rainbow (2014)
Journal Article
Smithson, H. E., Gasper, G. E., & McLeish, T. C. (2014). All the colours of the rainbow. Nature Physics, 10(8), 540-542.

Our perception of colour has always been a source of fascination, so it's little wonder that studies of the phenomenon date back hundreds of years. What, though, can modern scientists learn from medieval literature — and how do we go about it?

Voyages of Socialist Discovery: German-German Exchanges between the GDR and Romania (2014)
Journal Article
Koranyi, J. (2014). Voyages of Socialist Discovery: German-German Exchanges between the GDR and Romania. Slavonic and East European Review, 92(3), 479-506.

This article explores the little-known history of German-German exchanges between East Germany and Romania during the Cold War. It reveals a complex picture of tourism, travel and information exchange in which Germans from both countries were able to... Read More about Voyages of Socialist Discovery: German-German Exchanges between the GDR and Romania.