Anthony Ascham ed il Pensiero Politico Inglese, 1648-1650
Barducci, M. (2008). Anthony Ascham ed il Pensiero Politico Inglese, 1648-1650. Centro Editoriale Toscano
Outputs (39)
Environment, communications and economy in the Ottoman Balkans and eastern Mediterranean (2008)
Journal Article
Woodhead, C. (2008). Environment, communications and economy in the Ottoman Balkans and eastern Mediterranean
Law, Politics and Society in Early Modern England. (2008)
Brooks, C. W. (2008). Law, Politics and Society in Early Modern England. Cambridge University Press
Dopo Lepanto. Il Turco negli scritti italiani di fine Cinquecento, 1571-1609 (2008)
Journal Article
Barducci, M. (2008). Dopo Lepanto. Il Turco negli scritti italiani di fine Cinquecento, 1571-1609. Il Pensiero Politico, XLI, 19-43
The Earliest Books of Canterbury Cathedral: Manuscripts and Fragments to c.1200. (2008)
Gameson, R. (2008). The Earliest Books of Canterbury Cathedral: Manuscripts and Fragments to c.1200. Bibliographical Society; British Library
Oliver Cromwell: European Historical Myth? The Case of the Representations of Cromwell in Seventeenth-Century Italian State (2008)
Journal Article
Barducci, M. (2008). Oliver Cromwell: European Historical Myth? The Case of the Representations of Cromwell in Seventeenth-Century Italian State. The Seventeenth Century, 23, 54-71
"The Pioneer Palace in the Lenin Hills, Moscow, 1962" (2008)
Book Chapter
Reid, S. E. (2008). "The Pioneer Palace in the Lenin Hills, Moscow, 1962". In V. Kivelson, & J. Neuberger (Eds.), Picturing Russia: Explorations in Visual Culture (218-223). Yale University Press
What has he got up his sleeve? Advertising the Kenyan presidential candidates in 2007 (2008)
Journal Article
Willis, J. (2008). What has he got up his sleeve? Advertising the Kenyan presidential candidates in 2007. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 2, 264-71
‘Historians, aristocrats and Plantagenet Ireland, 1200–1360’ (2008)
Book Chapter
Frame, R. (2008). ‘Historians, aristocrats and Plantagenet Ireland, 1200–1360’. In C. Given-Wilson, A. Kettle, & L. Scales (Eds.), War, Government and Aristocracy in the British Isles: Essays in Honour of Michael Prestwich. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer,
St Aethelberht of Hereford and the cults of European royal saints (2008)
Journal Article
Rollason, D. (2008). St Aethelberht of Hereford and the cults of European royal saints