Puff and patronage: Ottoman takriz-writing and literacy recommendation in the 17th century
Book Chapter
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L'Arte nell'Inghilterra meridionale e in Fiandra’ in L. Castelfranchi Vegas et al (2000)
Book Chapter
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The Hereford Gospels (2000)
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Symeon of Durham. Libellus de exordio atque procursu istius hoc est Dunelmensis ecclesie (Church of Durham) (2000)
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Soviet Perceptions of the Allies during the Great Patriotic War (2000)
Book Chapter
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Ireland (2000)
Book Chapter
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The Norman arrow finds a ready target (2000)
Book Chapter
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Les implications culturelles de l'arrivée de St Augustin en Angleterre (2000)
Book Chapter
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El Arte en la Inglaterra Meridional y en Flandes’ in L. Castelfranchi Vega et al (2000)
Book Chapter
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Parliament and the Church of England from the Reformation to the twentieth century (2000)
Book Chapter
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