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Outputs (24)

Gaspard de Monconys’ Defence against the Charge of Imposture: Criminal Justice, Social Hierarchy, and Personal Identity in Early Seventeenth-Century France (2024)
Journal Article
Greengrass, M., & Hamilton, T. (2024). Gaspard de Monconys’ Defence against the Charge of Imposture: Criminal Justice, Social Hierarchy, and Personal Identity in Early Seventeenth-Century France. The Seventeenth Century, 39(4), 511-537.

This article analyses a remarkable criminal trial which took place in early seventeenth-century France. In 1617, Gaspard de Monconys, son of a prominent judge in Lyon, was accused of committing sacrilege and theft in the basilica of Saint-Denis, and... Read More about Gaspard de Monconys’ Defence against the Charge of Imposture: Criminal Justice, Social Hierarchy, and Personal Identity in Early Seventeenth-Century France.

Pierre de L'Estoile et la sorcellerie (2024)
Book Chapter
Hamilton, T. (in press). Pierre de L'Estoile et la sorcellerie. In N. Oddo, & G. Schrenck (Eds.), Pierre de L’Estoile, homme de cabinet, homme de réseaux. Geneva: Droz

A Widow's Vengeance after the Wars of Religion: Gender and Justice in Renaissance France (2024)
Hamilton, T. (2024). A Widow's Vengeance after the Wars of Religion: Gender and Justice in Renaissance France. Oxford University Press.

Paris, 1599. At the end of the French Wars of Religion, the widow Renée Chevalier instigated the prosecution of the military captain Mathurin Delacanche, who had committed multiple acts of rape, homicide, and theft against the villagers who lived aro... Read More about A Widow's Vengeance after the Wars of Religion: Gender and Justice in Renaissance France.

Prosecuting theft in Old Regime France, c.1540–c.1700 (2023)
Journal Article
Hamilton, T. (2023). Prosecuting theft in Old Regime France, c.1540–c.1700. Continuity and Change, 38(3), 283-312.

This article analyses a significant sample of theft cases tried in the appellate courts of the parlements of Paris and Toulouse from the mid-sixteenth century to the end of the seventeenth century. Despite some historians’ claims that theft was typic... Read More about Prosecuting theft in Old Regime France, c.1540–c.1700.

Un 'cas exécrable' devant le Parlement de Paris à la fin des guerres de Religion (1599-1600) (2023)
Journal Article
Hamilton, T. (online). Un 'cas exécrable' devant le Parlement de Paris à la fin des guerres de Religion (1599-1600). Criminocorpus (Revue),

[French] Jugé par les magistrats du Parlement de Paris entre 1599 et 1600, cet exceptionnel procès révèle les dynamiques locales des violences à la fin des guerres de Religion ainsi que les réponses judiciaires faites aux victimes. L’initiative de l’... Read More about Un 'cas exécrable' devant le Parlement de Paris à la fin des guerres de Religion (1599-1600).

The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre Up Close (2022)
Journal Article
Hamilton, T. (2022). The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre Up Close. French History, 36(4), 467-470.

This review article discusses how Jérémie Foa’s prize-winning book Tous ceux qui tombent: visages de la Saint-Barthélemy (2021) gives a history of the Saint Bartholomew’s Day massacre up close. It examines how Foa takes a fresh approach to the Massac... Read More about The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre Up Close.