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Outputs (25)

Women’s Campaigning, Petitioning, and Grassroots Activism, 1945-1997 (2024)
Journal Article
Huzzey, R., Miller, H., Bocking-Welch, A., & Leston-Bandeira, C. (online). Women’s Campaigning, Petitioning, and Grassroots Activism, 1945-1997. Women's History Review,

Petitioning provided a flexible repertoire for women’s political activity in the decades after 1945. Petitioning was a popular, widespread practice: aside from voting, signing a petition was one of the few political activities that engaged a majority... Read More about Women’s Campaigning, Petitioning, and Grassroots Activism, 1945-1997.

Petitions and Petitioning in Historical Perspective (2024)
Book Chapter
Huzzey, R., Janse, M., Miller, H., Oddens, J., & Waddell, B. (2024). Petitions and Petitioning in Historical Perspective. In R. Huzzey, M. Janse, H. Miller, J. Oddens, & B. Waddell (Eds.), Petitions and Petitioning in Europe and North America: From the Late Medieval Period to the Present (1-30). Oxford University Press.

This introduction charts the growth of a vibrant but fragmented field of research on petitions and petitioning across a wide range of different chronological and geographical contexts. The development of this literature has various causes, including... Read More about Petitions and Petitioning in Historical Perspective.

Petitions and Petitioning in Europe and North America: From the Late Medieval Period to the Present (2024)
Huzzey, R., Janse, M., Miller, H., Oddens, J., & Waddell, B. (Eds.). (2024). Petitions and Petitioning in Europe and North America: From the Late Medieval Period to the Present. British Academy.

Throughout history, across very different types of state and society, petitions and petitioning have been ubiquitous practices and the interaction between petitioners and authority has been a crucial dynamic in exercising and contesting power. Consol... Read More about Petitions and Petitioning in Europe and North America: From the Late Medieval Period to the Present.

The Evolution of Petitioning in Europe and North America, 1850-2000 (2023)
Book Chapter
Huzzey, R., & Miller, H. The Evolution of Petitioning in Europe and North America, 1850-2000. In R. Huzzey, M. Janse, H. Miller, J. Oddens, & B. Waddell (Eds.), Petitions and Petitioning in Europe and North America: From the Late Medieval Period to the Present (194-215). British Academy.

Petitioning was a ubiquitous practice in 20th-century North America and Europe, but has often appeared invisible to historians and social scientists, or is only cited incidentally in classic studies. This neglect stems from the trend, evident across... Read More about The Evolution of Petitioning in Europe and North America, 1850-2000.

Public Meetings, Respectable Requisitions, and Popular Politics in Great Britain and Ireland, c.1769–1850 (2023)
Journal Article
Huzzey, R. (2023). Public Meetings, Respectable Requisitions, and Popular Politics in Great Britain and Ireland, c.1769–1850. The English Historical Review, 138(590-591), 185-221.

This article examines the practice of ‘requisitioning’ public meetings in Great Britain and Ireland. These written requests to office-holders emerged in Ireland and then Great Britain, following bitter contests over the authenticity and authority of... Read More about Public Meetings, Respectable Requisitions, and Popular Politics in Great Britain and Ireland, c.1769–1850.

Colonial Petitions, Colonial Petitioners, and the Imperial Parliament, c. 1780-1918 (2022)
Journal Article
Huzzey, R., & Miller, H. (2022). Colonial Petitions, Colonial Petitioners, and the Imperial Parliament, c. 1780-1918. Journal of British Studies, 61(2), 261-289.

Petitioning was a common form of protest, request, or expression across the British Empire, and historians of colonial rule and resistance have often drawn on petitions as sources to investigate particular controversies. This paper assesses the signi... Read More about Colonial Petitions, Colonial Petitioners, and the Imperial Parliament, c. 1780-1918.

The Politics of Petitioning: Parliament, Government and Subscriptional Cultures in the United Kingdom, 1780-1918 (2021)
Journal Article
Huzzey, R., & Miller, H. (2021). The Politics of Petitioning: Parliament, Government and Subscriptional Cultures in the United Kingdom, 1780-1918. History, 106(370), 221-243.

Over the course of the long nineteenth century, people in the United Kingdom signed a wide variety of petitions, addresses, testimonials, and related documents. Though many forms of subscriptional culture had medieval and early modern origins, their... Read More about The Politics of Petitioning: Parliament, Government and Subscriptional Cultures in the United Kingdom, 1780-1918.

Petitions, Parliament and Political Culture: Petitioning the House of Commons, 1780-1918 (2020)
Journal Article
Huzzey, R., & Miller, H. (2020). Petitions, Parliament and Political Culture: Petitioning the House of Commons, 1780-1918. Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies, 248(1), 123-164.

This article analyses nearly one million petitions received by the House of Commons to reveal a culture of petitioning that recast the political culture of modern Britain and Ireland. It argues, first, that petitions provided a much more regular and... Read More about Petitions, Parliament and Political Culture: Petitioning the House of Commons, 1780-1918.

A Microhistory of British Anti-Slavery Petitioning (2019)
Journal Article
Huzzey, R. (2019). A Microhistory of British Anti-Slavery Petitioning. Social Science History, 43(3), 599-623.

This article refines our understanding of abolitionism as “the first modern social movement” through a microhistory of abolitionism in an eighteenth- and nineteenth-century British town. Examining requisitions, which collected signatures calling on a... Read More about A Microhistory of British Anti-Slavery Petitioning.