'About the emperor Nikephoros and how he leaves his bones in Bulgaria.' A context for the controversial Chronicle of 811
Journal Article
Stephenson, P. (2006). 'About the emperor Nikephoros and how he leaves his bones in Bulgaria.' A context for the controversial Chronicle of 811. Dumbarton Oaks papers, 60, 87-109
Outputs (4)
Byzantium transformed, c.950-1200 (2004)
Journal Article
Stephenson, P. (2004). Byzantium transformed, c.950-1200. Medieval Encounters: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Culture in Confluence and Dialogue, 10(1-3), 185-210. https://doi.org/10.1163/1570067043077788Two phenomena were paramount in the transformation, and ultimate collapse, of the Byzantine imperial system in the period c. 950-1204: sustained economic and demographic growth, which the state failed fully to direct or exploit; and the emergence of... Read More about Byzantium transformed, c.950-1200.
The Legend of Basil the Bulgar-slayer (2003)
Stephenson, P. (2003). The Legend of Basil the Bulgar-slayer. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.2277/0521815304The reign of Basil II (976–1025), the longest of any Byzantine emperor, has long been considered as a ‘golden age’, in which his greatest achievement was the annexation of Bulgaria. This, we have been told, was achieved through a long and bloody war... Read More about The Legend of Basil the Bulgar-slayer.
Anna Comnena’s Alexiad as a source for the Second Crusade? (2003)
Journal Article
Stephenson, P. (2003). Anna Comnena’s Alexiad as a source for the Second Crusade?. Journal of Medieval History, 29(1), 41-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0304-4181%2802%2900056-8This article presents an overview of recent work by Byzantinists on the Alexiad of Anna Comnena, in particular her account of the First Crusade. It suggests that, since the Alexiad was composed at the time of the Second Crusade, it reflects the conce... Read More about Anna Comnena’s Alexiad as a source for the Second Crusade?.