Orizzonti (non) solo europei in un archivio patrizio Bolognese. La collezione di manoscritti di Vincenzo Ferdinando Ranuzzi Cospi tra Bologna, Londra e Austin/Texas
Book Chapter
Reinardt, N. (2023). Orizzonti (non) solo europei in un archivio patrizio Bolognese. La collezione di manoscritti di Vincenzo Ferdinando Ranuzzi Cospi tra Bologna, Londra e Austin/Texas. In S. Alongi, F. Boris, & M. T. Guerrini (Eds.), Il patriziato bolognese e l’Europa (Secoli XVI-XIX). Atti del convegno di studi (Bologna, 23-25 maggio 2019). Il Chiostro dei Celestini
Outputs (27)
Confessors (2021)
Book Chapter
Reinhardt, N. (2022). Confessors. In E. Griffey (Ed.), Early Modern Court Culture. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429277986Since the High Middle Ages, when individual auricular confession became a duty for all Christians, confessors were also regularly present at the court of European rulers. While in the Middle Ages their role was often associated with that of the court... Read More about Confessors.
'For the Love of God'? The first commandment and sacramental confession in early modern Catholic Europe (2021)
Book Chapter
Reinhardt, N. (2021). 'For the Love of God'? The first commandment and sacramental confession in early modern Catholic Europe. In M. Clarke, & E. Corran (Eds.), Rules and Ethics: Perspectives from Anthropology and History. Manchester University Press
‘Le confesseur royal. Un expert de théologie morale en politique?’ (2021)
Book Chapter
Reinhardt, N. (2021). ‘Le confesseur royal. Un expert de théologie morale en politique?’. In H. Hermant, & M. Brétéché (Eds.), Parole d’experts. Une histoire sociale du politique (Europe, XVIe-XVIIIe siècle) (249-264). Presses Universitaires de Rennes
For the love of God’? The First Commandment and sacramental confession in early modern Catholic Europe (2021)
Book Chapter
Reinhardt, N. (2021). For the love of God’? The First Commandment and sacramental confession in early modern Catholic Europe. In E. Corran, & M. Clarke (Eds.), Rules and Ethics: Global perspectives from anthropology and history (124-144). Manchester University Press
Hernando de Mendoça (1562–1617), General Acquaviva and the Controversy over Confession, Counsel, and Obedience (2017)
Journal Article
Reinhardt, N. (2017). Hernando de Mendoça (1562–1617), General Acquaviva and the Controversy over Confession, Counsel, and Obedience. Journal of Jesuit Studies, 4(2), 209-229. https://doi.org/10.1163/22141332-00402004This article examines the clash between Superior General Claudio Acquaviva and the Spanish Jesuit Hernando de Mendoça, briefly confessor to the viceroy of Naples count of Lemos (1599–1601). It argues that Mendoça’s activities in Naples and the scanda... Read More about Hernando de Mendoça (1562–1617), General Acquaviva and the Controversy over Confession, Counsel, and Obedience.
Voices of Conscience.Royal Confessors and Political Counsel in Seventeenth-Century Spain and France (2016)
Reinhardt, N. (2016). Voices of Conscience.Royal Confessors and Political Counsel in Seventeenth-Century Spain and France. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof%3Aoso/9780198703686.001.0001
How individual was conscience in the early-modern period? Observations on the development of Catholic moral theology (2015)
Journal Article
Reinhardt, N. (2015). How individual was conscience in the early-modern period? Observations on the development of Catholic moral theology. Religion, 45(3), 409-428. https://doi.org/10.1080/0048721x.2015.1024039This article investigates how the notion of individual conscience has to be understood within the early-modern development of Catholic moral theology. It highlights that 16th-century Catholic theologians continued to understand conscience mainly in T... Read More about How individual was conscience in the early-modern period? Observations on the development of Catholic moral theology.
Introduction: War, Conscience, and Counsel in early modern Catholic Europe (2014)
Journal Article
Reinhardt, N. (2014). Introduction: War, Conscience, and Counsel in early modern Catholic Europe. Journal of Early Modern History: Contacts, Comparisons, Contrasts, 18(5), 435-446. https://doi.org/10.1163/15700658-12342424The introduction identifies the framework of Catholic moral theology, which informs the specific approach of the authors in this special issue, as an important context to deepen the understanding of early modern just war discussions. Some of the most... Read More about Introduction: War, Conscience, and Counsel in early modern Catholic Europe.
Just War, Royal Conscience and the Crisis of Theological Counsel in the Early Seventeenth Century (2014)
Journal Article
Reinhardt, N. (2014). Just War, Royal Conscience and the Crisis of Theological Counsel in the Early Seventeenth Century. Journal of Early Modern History: Contacts, Comparisons, Contrasts, 18(5), 495-521. https://doi.org/10.1163/15700658-12342427This article explores how scholastic just war theories and concepts of theological counsel became increasingly problematic in the run-up to the Thirty Years War. It identifies increasing conceptual difficulties due to probabilism, religiously inspire... Read More about Just War, Royal Conscience and the Crisis of Theological Counsel in the Early Seventeenth Century.