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Outputs (7)

Tax Revenue Mobilization in Conflict-Affected Developing Countries (2018)
Journal Article
van den Boogaard, V., Prichard, W., Benson, M., & Milicic, N. (2018). Tax Revenue Mobilization in Conflict-Affected Developing Countries. Journal of International Development, 30(2), 345-364.

How does conflict affect tax revenue mobilization? This paper uses a newly updated dataset to explore longitudinal trends of tax revenue mobilization prior to, during and after conflict periods in a selection of conflict‐affected states since 1980. T... Read More about Tax Revenue Mobilization in Conflict-Affected Developing Countries.

Service Delivery and State Capacity: Findings from the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium (2017)
Denney, L., Mallett, R., & Benson, M. (2017). Service Delivery and State Capacity: Findings from the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium. [No known commissioning body]

Every year a quarter of all international aid – approximately US$15 billion – is spent on capacity development. However, despite the continued dominance of capacity development, results are frequently disappointing. Over a period of six years, the Se... Read More about Service Delivery and State Capacity: Findings from the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium.

Tax Revenue Mobilization in Conflict-Affected Developing Countries (2016)
Preprint / Working Paper
van den Boogaard, V., Prichard, W., Milicic, N., & Benson, M. Tax Revenue Mobilization in Conflict-Affected Developing Countries

How does conflict affect tax revenue mobilization? This paper uses a newly updated dataset to explore longitudinal trends of tax revenue mobilization prior to, during, and after conflict periods in a selection of conflict-affected states since 1980.... Read More about Tax Revenue Mobilization in Conflict-Affected Developing Countries.

Paying for Government and Services: 28 States and Revenue (2016)
Book Chapter
Benson, M. (2016). Paying for Government and Services: 28 States and Revenue. In M. Schomerus, & L. Aalen (Eds.), Considering the state : perspectives on South Sudan’s subdivision and federalism debate (23-26). Overseas Development Institute

Beyond Borders: The End of the Mano River War(s)? (2016)
Preprint / Working Paper
Allouche, J., Benson, M., & McCormack, F. Beyond Borders: The End of the Mano River War(s)?

The Mano River sub-region, which includes Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Côte d’Ivoire, has experienced decades of violent upheavals and political instability. This notably includes civil wars in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Côte d’Ivoire. While the... Read More about Beyond Borders: The End of the Mano River War(s)?.