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The Transnational Life and Death of Peter Kropotkin, 1881-1921: Terrorism, the Anarchist Body, and the Russian Revolution (2022)
Journal Article
Green, L. (2022). The Transnational Life and Death of Peter Kropotkin, 1881-1921: Terrorism, the Anarchist Body, and the Russian Revolution. Anarchist Studies, 30(1), 83-119.

Peter Kropotkin’s life was not only transnational because of his movements. Kropotkin existed as an imagined figure in the sphere of transatlantic anglophone print culture. This imagined Kropotkin was both representative of and contributed to British... Read More about The Transnational Life and Death of Peter Kropotkin, 1881-1921: Terrorism, the Anarchist Body, and the Russian Revolution.

Student funding and university access after the Great War : the scheme for the higher education of ex-servicemen at Aberystwyth, Liverpool, and Oxford (2020)
Journal Article
Green, L., Laqua, D., & Georgina, B. (2020). Student funding and university access after the Great War : the scheme for the higher education of ex-servicemen at Aberystwyth, Liverpool, and Oxford. British Journal of Educational Studies, 68(5), 589-609.

This article makes a fresh contribution to the literature on student funding and its history by drawing attention to a pioneering government initiative, launched in the aftermath of the Great War. From the winter of 1918–1919 until 1923, the Scheme f... Read More about Student funding and university access after the Great War : the scheme for the higher education of ex-servicemen at Aberystwyth, Liverpool, and Oxford.

Russian revolutionary terrorism, British liberals, and the problem of empire (1884–1914) (2020)
Journal Article
Green, L. (2020). Russian revolutionary terrorism, British liberals, and the problem of empire (1884–1914). History of European Ideas, 46(5), 633 -648.

Britain in the fin de siècle was home to many significant communities of political émigrés. Among Russian revolutionaries who made London their home were Sergei Stepniak and Feliks Volkhovskii, forced to flee Russia as a result of their revolutionary... Read More about Russian revolutionary terrorism, British liberals, and the problem of empire (1884–1914).