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Outputs (9)

Claiming the wilderness in late Roman Gaul (2022)
Journal Article
Clay, J.-H. (2022). Claiming the wilderness in late Roman Gaul. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 30(3), 403-432.

The enthusiasm with which Christian authors of late Roman Gaul adopted the ideal of desert asceticism is well known. There is also general agreement that the appeal of the wilderness was, for many of these individuals, more rhetorical than actual. Wh... Read More about Claiming the wilderness in late Roman Gaul.

From conversion to consolidation in eighth-century Hessia (2016)
Book Chapter
Clay, J. (2016). From conversion to consolidation in eighth-century Hessia. In T. Ó Carragáin, & S. Turner (Eds.), Making Christian landscapes in Atlantic Europe : conversion and consolidation in the early Middle Ages (385-402). Cork University Press

Sacred Landscapes and the Conversion of Eighth-Century Hessia (2013)
Journal Article
Clay, J. (2013). Sacred Landscapes and the Conversion of Eighth-Century Hessia. Landscapes, 9(2), 1-25.

The place-names of Hessia in central Germany are a valuable resource for the study of the early medieval conversion period. A number of them refer to pagan gods and sites of Christian and pagan worship which are unevidenced in the historical sources.... Read More about Sacred Landscapes and the Conversion of Eighth-Century Hessia.

In the Shadow of Death: Saint Boniface and the Conversion of Hessia, 721-54 (2010)
Clay, J.-H. (2011). In the Shadow of Death: Saint Boniface and the Conversion of Hessia, 721-54. Brepols Publishers

In the year 721 the Anglo-Saxon missionary St Boniface came with his followers to Hessia, a small but turbulent province on the borders of the expanding Frankish kingdom. This book is the first dedicated interdisciplinary study of Boniface’s thirty-t... Read More about In the Shadow of Death: Saint Boniface and the Conversion of Hessia, 721-54.

Gift-giving and books in the letters of St Boniface and Lul (2009)
Journal Article
Clay, J. (2009). Gift-giving and books in the letters of St Boniface and Lul. Journal of Medieval History, 36(4), 313-325.

The Anglo-Saxon missionary and archbishop St Boniface (d. 754) and Lul, his protégé and successor in the see Mainz (d. 768), left behind a rich collection of letters that has become and invaluable source in our understanding of Boniface's mission. Th... Read More about Gift-giving and books in the letters of St Boniface and Lul.