The Cent Nouvelles nouvelles (Burgundy-Luxembourg-France, 1458 - c. 1550): Text and Paratext, Codex and Context
Small, G., Gameson, R., Wijsman, H., Beth Winn, M., Perez-Simon, M., Velissariou, A., …de Blieck, E. (2023). The Cent Nouvelles nouvelles (Burgundy-Luxembourg-France, 1458 - c. 1550): Text and Paratext, Codex and Context. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
A collaborative investigation of one of the best-known works of late medieval European literature, the Franco-Burgundian collection of short stories known as the Cent Nouvelles nouvelles. Modelled loosely on Boccaccio’s Decameron and incorporating el... Read More about The Cent Nouvelles nouvelles (Burgundy-Luxembourg-France, 1458 - c. 1550): Text and Paratext, Codex and Context.