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Outputs (25)

“Extraordinarily Inconspicuous” Elephants: The Interspecies Constitution and Contestations of the Ivory Commodity Frontier in Nineteenth-Century South Sudan (2024)
Journal Article
Leonardi, C. (2024). “Extraordinarily Inconspicuous” Elephants: The Interspecies Constitution and Contestations of the Ivory Commodity Frontier in Nineteenth-Century South Sudan. Environmental History, 29(2), 254-280.

Elephants have been extraordinarily inconspicuous in the history of the ivory trade in nineteenth-century southern Sudan. One explanation for this is the process of commodification, which abstracted ivory from its animal origins and rendered invisibl... Read More about “Extraordinarily Inconspicuous” Elephants: The Interspecies Constitution and Contestations of the Ivory Commodity Frontier in Nineteenth-Century South Sudan.

Geographies of unease: Witchcraft and boundary construction in an African borderland (2021)
Journal Article
Leonardi, C., Storer, E., & Fisher, J. (2021). Geographies of unease: Witchcraft and boundary construction in an African borderland. Political Geography, 90, Article 102442.

African borderlands – such as those between South Sudan, Uganda and Congo – are often presented by analysts as places of agency and economic opportunity, in contrast to hardened, securitized borders elsewhere. We emphasize, however, that even such re... Read More about Geographies of unease: Witchcraft and boundary construction in an African borderland.

Insecurity and the invisible: The challenge of spiritual (in)security (2020)
Journal Article
Fisher, J., & Leonardi, C. (2021). Insecurity and the invisible: The challenge of spiritual (in)security. Security Dialogue, 52(5), 383-400.

The search for security has become an almost permanent feature of the contemporary lived experience and what Brian Massumi has called an ‘operative logic’ for states across the globe. The modern study – and practice – of security has, nonetheless, be... Read More about Insecurity and the invisible: The challenge of spiritual (in)security.

Patchwork States: the localization of state territoriality on the South Sudan-Uganda border, 1914-2014 (2020)
Journal Article
Leonardi, C. (2020). Patchwork States: the localization of state territoriality on the South Sudan-Uganda border, 1914-2014. Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies, 248(1), 209-258.

This paper takes a localized conflict over a non-demarcated stretch of the Uganda–South Sudan boundary in 2014 as a starting point for examining the history of territorial state formation on either side of this border since its colonial creation in 1... Read More about Patchwork States: the localization of state territoriality on the South Sudan-Uganda border, 1914-2014.